Heavenly Dragon

"Very well, I believe the terms remain the same?"

"Yes, I'll return them if you win and join the Star God Realm. If you lose, however, I'll take your place as Star God Emperor."

"Old Villain, are you afraid of losing?" Jasmine inquired

"Hmph, not at all. Heavenly genius or not, your cultivation level is just too slow to pose any threat to me."

"We'll see about that, Star God Emperor." Aerion smiled. "I'd rather not waste time speaking to you so let's begin as soon as possible."

"Since this duel decides the fate of the Star God Realm, would it not be more appropriate for all of the Star Gods to witness it?"

Aerion shook his head. "They'll become aware of it soon enough."

"I see, then let's begin."

Aerion took off his cape and gave to Jasmine. "Hold onto this for a little while."

Aerion and the Star God Emperor flew into the sky to begin their duel. Aerion instantly activated Silver Calamity and Phase 4. He knew that this wasn't enough, however, and that he needed slightly greater strength to best the Star God Emperor even with his Divine Extinction Realm weaponry. He needs greater speed, to be exact.

Rotias, I'll be making use of you today.

"At last! We'll slaughter this Star God Emperor like a dragon would do to a lamb."

"Where did you get your armour?"

"I forged it."

"Hahaha, I might have to take it for myself once I win."

"Ah, but you're too small for it." Aerion countered. "The armour would reject trash like yourself anyways."

"Hmph, your arrogance will be your downfall."

"I would not call it arrogance, it's something called confidence in one's abilities."

"We'll see how long this 'confidence' lasts."

The Star God Emperor used the Star God's Broken Shadow to explode towards Aerion. He left behind six afterimages which would have confused any ordinary opponent but Aerion saw through all of the afterimages with his eyes and easily discerned which one was the real Xing Juekong. He pretended like he had no idea to drawn in Xing Juekong for a swift attack.

He dodged Xing Juekong at the last second with his own Star God's Broken Shadow and attempted to pierce his chest with Blackfyre. Xing Juekong, however, got out of the way and left the exchange with a minor slash at his right side.

"This sword of yours... it is not ordinary either."

My normal battle power should be around the Seventh Stage of the Divine Master Realm so it's no surprise that he can outpace me. This is not just a Tenth Stage Divine Master, it's a God-Emperor which can be considered a slight realm higher than that. I might not be able to deal a major blow unless I use Dragon Emperor or Rotias if this continues.

After a couple more exchanges, the Star God Emperor was sending him flying in all four directions with his superior speed. Aerion did not feel much pain but it was rather irritating.

Hmm, I suppose I have no choice. Rotias, lend me your strength.

"Don't need to tell me twice."

Aerion felt a surge of power as his aura grew much terrifying. Rotias had complete mastery in the Darkness Law, in fact, it was his law in the first place. This time, Aerion's and Rotias' fusion was far more compatible than last time. They found the perfect balance between fire and darkness, this was because Aerion himself was wiser in the Laws of Primal Chaos since he had last used Rotias.

Aerion's silver hair turned into a shiny black colour as the Darkness Profound energy affected him. His purple Rinengan remained unaffected and so did the rest of his appearance. The Crimson and Silver scales both glowed as brightly as ever in truth. His crimson-silver aura was more tyrannical than before, even making the Star God Emperor flinch when he noticed it.

Aerion stood up after crashing into a building. He did not speak, instead, he let his actions speak for him. He took out Sky Piercer and left five afterimages.

Star God's Broken Shadow.

Xing Juekong could not dodge Aerion's attack so he tried to block it with his sword. Blackfyre mercilessly shattered the sword and went directly for his neck.


Aerion did not go deep enough, however, as he wasn't planning on killing him. Then Xing Juekong was run through by Sky Piercer and kicked down onto the ground.


Crimson Ghost Flames... burn him.

Suddenly, the Star God Emperor's previous wounds caused by Blackfyre opened up once more and started to explode with frightening Crimson Ghost Flames. Not only did his body burn, but so did his soul. The fire kept burning no matter what he tried to do.

"Someone... help... me... argh..."

Blackfyre is capable of leaving its mark? How interesting.

Aerion flew down to meet the screaming Star God Emperor. Xing Juekong's pride had been completely shattered, all he wanted now was someone to save him from the never-ending flames. All Twelve Star Gods, except for Caizhi and Jasmine, had swiftly gathered to try and save their God-Emperor. There were plenty of Divine Master Realm elders trying to do something as well.

"Devil Profound energy... the heavenly genius is a devil!" Heavenly Origin Star God announced. "Slay him at once!!"

"A devil, you say?" Aerion smirked. "The only thing that is devilish about this Dragon Emperor is his charm. Star Gods, you must choose who you will side with. Xing Juekong, the helpless, burning, fool or Dragon Emperor Aerion of House Targaryen!"

The nine Star Gods sided with Xing Juekong while Jasmine and Caizhi sided with Aerion. He smiled at the result.

"Good, this gives me an excuse to get rid off you all and build my pantheon of Star Gods!"

His tyrannical and confident words were like swords which had pierced their will to confront him. Even if he was a Devil, they weren't too optimistic when it came to facing him. Their God-Emperor, the strongest out of them all, was burning and screaming for help on the ground as if he were a fish out of water.

"Jasmine, Caizhi, I can handle them all by myself. You would only get in the way."

"Hmph, as you wish."

However, they all managed to muster some courage after they realised that it was nine against one. Together, they were certainly stronger than Xing Juekong but that didn't matter as Aerion had his way around fighting large groups.

His purple Rinnegan's glow brightened as he waited for them to strike.



The Star Gods unleashed a wide barrage of attacks upon Aerion but it all went straight through him. Then he appeared in front of the Heavenly Strength Star God and deactivated Kamui, now giving him the perfect opportunity to strike.


The Heavenly Strength Star God was instantly decapitated by the mighty axe of Sky Piercer. His head fell onto the ground, swiftly followed by his body.

Eight to go, Perfect Susanoo!


A massive Perfect Susanoo emerged from Aerion's profound energy. Aerion flew high into the sky, eventually stopping when he hit the clouds. He looked down on the core of the Star God Realm as he clapped his hands.

Deva Path, Chibaku Tensei!

Witness the power of God.

Aerion creates eight black spheres and sends one to each Star God. The spheres then create an almighty gravitational pull which attracts everything in the vicinity to it.


Large pieces of the ground are dragged out to join with the black spheres. In the end, the Star Gods were powerless to escape the fate which awaited them. These black spheres soon resulted in eight large spheres of land which floated in the sky, restraining one Star God each.

Aerion's Perfect Susanoo landed in the very middle of the eight spheres as they floated around him. A barrier of Crimson Ghost Flames was sent to each of the eight spheres, just in case a Star God managed to escape. He opened his left palm as did the Perfect Susanoo.

Heaven Absorbing Silver Claw, Preta Path!

Aerion concentrated and slowly dragged the divine power out of each of the Star Gods. It took him an extremely long time but he did it after thirty minutes or so. The Star Gods struggled to leave the spheres of land but their struggles came to nothing.

An elder of the Star God Realm decided to run away and inform the other King Realms of Aerion's Devil profound energy before it was too late.

Aerion released the spheres and the land started returning to its original position, releasing the former Star Gods. He floated down to Xing Juekong to finish what he had started. By then, the flames had subsided considerably but the Star God Emperor was already weakened. Aerion himself was feeling mentally tired.

Forcefully taking the divine power of the Star Gods wasn't easy, after all. Profound energy-wise, however, he was as strong as ever but it was far over the limit of how much his body could handle for long periods.

Jasmine got to Xing Juekong first and Aerion was perfectly fine with that.

"Aerion... Targaryen... what are you?"

"A Dragon... the Dragon, to be more precise."

"Any lasts words, Old Villain?"

"The Dragon... haha. Jasmine, are you... planning on killing me?" Xing Juekong laughed. "The True God Plan... it was meant to be the rise of the Star God Realm, yet it was all stopped by some young man in his late-twenties. How... pathetic... haha."

"But... I believe... that some good may have come from all of this. If Aerion Targaryen, the Heavenly Genius, becomes the Star God Emperor then... I'm sure that the Star God Realm will no longer need to bow its head to any other King Realm. No, all of the other King Realms... they will have to bow their heads to the Star God Realm."

Aerion took off his helmet. "Jasmine, are you truly going to kill your father?"

"Hmm, that's a good question." Jasmine produced a dagger and walked closer to the Star God Emperor. "Would you kill your father if he was just like my father?"

Aerion shook his head. "I could not."

"I thought so." Jasmine turned to Aerion. "Take his divine power and cripple him, leave the Old Villain a powerless man rather than the Star God Emperor."

"Alright then."

Xing Juekong showed no resistance as Aerion's left palm absorbed his cultivation strength and dragged out the Heavenly Chief's divine power.

"Old Villain, the Star God Wheel, where is it?"

"It is... with me." Xing Juekong took out the Star God Wheel and gave it to Aerion. "The Star God Emperor is the only one who should hold it. I never thought of an heir... but you are the most perfect candidate present, Aerion Targaryen. It is rather amusing that... you came to me for this exact reason, haha."

Aerion returned the Heavenly Demon, Heavenly Jade, Heavenly Flame, Heavenly Sun, Heavenly Poison, Heavenly Origin and Heavenly Soul (exactly Seven) divine powers back to the Star God Wheel while he kept the three most compatible with himself.

These were, of course; Heavenly Chief, Heavenly Charm and Heavenly Strength.

The three orbs of dazzling light danced around his left palm. His Silver Scales absorbed them all and he attempted to put the three divine powers together using Izanagi.

These divine powers are not separate, they are one... it shall be so for I am Izanagi!

A blinding light emerged from his Silver Scales and Aerion had to cover his eyes.

Did it work?

He opened his eyes to see a crimson-silver ball of light floating above his palm.

Heavenly Dragon Star God divine power created... 100% compatibility.

Aerion instantly grasped the light and it joined with his body completely. He felt a massive surge in strength as his cultivation jumped to the peak of the Divine King Realm and then, eventually, he managed a breakthrough to the Divine Sovereign Realm!

Although it was only the Divine Sovereign Realm to everyone else, to Aerion it was like entering the Divine Extinction Realm!

The Star Gods who had just lost their divine power had already emerged and looked upon Aerion's transformation into a Star God... no, the Star God Emperor! Without their divine power, they were in the early to middle stages of the Divine Master Realm which meant nothing to him.

Aerion's hair returned to its natural silver colour as he sealed away Rotias' power. His appearance was mostly the same as becoming even more handsome was almost impossible. In fact, he looked mostly the same as before.

Aerion laughed as he looked at what remained of the nine Star Gods who stood in his way. "Ah, you could have lived a glorious life under the service of this Dragon Emperor... but you just had to throw the opportunity to the wind, didn't you?"

The Emperor.

"Come closer and let me take whatever is left of you."

The eight ex Star Gods nodded (since one is decapitated) and allowed him to take their cultivation strength with his Heaven Absorbing Silver Claw.

"Good, now go ahead and kill yourselves."

They did so obediently, leaving only Xing Juekong as the last enemy among the Star Gods. Aerion crippled him and used his healing flame to grant him a couple more years of life span to ensure his survival.

"So you won, in the end." Jasmine smiled. "You're the Star God Emperor now and so, the future of the Star God Realm is in your hands."

Aerion nodded. "I know that."

"But there are only three Star Gods left..." Caizhi stated.

"It's good that I already have a couple of candidates for the positions which remain open," Aerion replied. "After that matter is settled, the Star God Realm can begin its rise to the very top of Primal Chaos..."

Aerion looked up.
