True Identity

The Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword was placed inside of the Seventh Heaven Realm so that it may slowly recover its true strength. Naturally, the spirits sudden appearance and aura did lead to the awakening of another spirit. The spirit of the Evil Infant's Wheel of Myriad Tribulations, to be exact.

"Not bad, you're getting slightly stronger every day. It will not be long before you surpass me." Aurion sighed. "I am quite envious of your progress."

"Wouldn't a stronger version of myself lead to swifter progress for you, your Royal Highness? In truth, you are more talented than me since your father is none other than the Dragon Emperor himself. Your peak is much higher than my own."

"I thank you for your words of comfort, Yuanba, but they are unnecessary in the end. I will simply use this envy to fuel my fire to grow stronger, that is what Royal Father would do."

"My Master has no place for such feelings in the first place for he is the one who stands above everyone else." The spirit of the Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword stated.

"Who in Seven Hells... is that a sword?"

"A heavy sword, it seems." Yuanba looked at the floating heavy sword which had appeared before them.

A celestial figure emerged from the Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword and landed onto the ground of the Seventh Heaven Realm.

"The aura here is reminiscent of the aura in the Land, although inferior by a sizeable amount. It is most definitely superior to the Primal Chaos Dimension at its peak, however."

"Who are you?" Yuanba inquired.

"There are other residents here as well, how intriguing."

"So... beautiful..." Aurion turned around. "Ahem. We're still here, you know. Now answer Yuanba's question as I wish to know as well."

"I am the Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword."

"The Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword? So Royal Father has finally attained it, where so many others failed."

"Did someone say the Heaven Punishing Ancest... you!!" The Evil Infant's spirit confronted the Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword.

"The sinful infant himself." The Ancestral Sword's spirit looked down on the Evil Infant. "My Master has already informed me of your existence in this sacred land which he created."

"Your Master?" The Evil Infant chuckled. "I believe he's my Master, if not then our Master."

"I refuse to acknowledge you as my equal."

"Hmph, and so do I! You should know that I've grown stronger from my weakened state while you still have yet to custom yourself to the Seventh Heaven Realm. Acting as if you're still superior to me is rather insulting when I'm clearly stronger than you."

The Evil Infant released his aura to prove his point. "However, I'd rather be a good boy and let you reflect on your mistakes. We share the same Master and fighting each other would bring no benefit to him. I'd probably get sealed forever if I took action against you, which is something I don't want to experience ever again."

"I suppose you have a point."

"The sword and wheel, hmm, is it possible to dual wield both of you?" Aurion wondered. "Such a combination would be truly frightening..."

"Our Master should be capable of such a feat eventually, once he can use me without much consequence, to be exact." The Evil Infant replied.


'She's a... True God!?' Aerion observed Shen Xi and managed to hide his shock on the outside, somehow. Since Shen Xi had hidden her aura he decided to leave the question of her origins for later.

'Her current power is only in the Divine Extinction Realm but her true strength is in the True God Realm. All she needs to do is spend some time in the Seventh Heaven Realm to recover completely...'

Aerion left the Forbidden Land of Samsara which was considered the Dragon God Realm's most sacred ground due to Shen Xi and the Dragon Monarch's devotion to her. A few things had changed since then such as Long Bai's devotion moving onto someone else but the Forbidden Land of Samsara remained as forbidden as before out of respect for Shen Xi. This someone else was, of course, the person he viewed as the Dragon God.

Aerion drew out Long Bai by simply releasing his aura, who did not waste much time in welcoming the Dragon Emperor.

"Your Divine Grace, it is an immense honour to welcome you to the Dragon God Realm." Long Bai smiled at Aerion before turning his attention to the other three figures, however ignoring two of them. "I see that Senior Shen Xi has come along as well, which is quite rare."

"I was freed of my fetters by Aerion so there is no longer a reason for me to stay in the Forbidden Land of Samsara."

"You have done a great favour for the Dragon Race... no, for your race, Your Divine Grace. Such an event deserves some celebration, no? The Dragon Conquest of the God Realm is complete as well so there's no reason for you to object."

Aerion nodded. "I wouldn't mind a little celebration."

"Excellent, I'll make preparations as swiftly as I can. Allow me to show you to your Pavillion before I do so, Your Divine Grace."


In the very next week, billions had gathered in the Dragon God Realm with the hope of simply witnessing the majesty of the Dragon Emperor who ruled the entire God Realm. In the hall where the celebration was to take place, tens of thousands of prestigious figures had gathered. Prestigious was an understatement, every one of them was an overlord of the Western Divine Region or someone very close to one.

Aerion was given the head of the table with Long Bai and Shen Xi sitting beside him.

"Your Divine Grace, may I provide you with a suggestion?"

"Mn, go right ahead," Aerion replied before taking a sip of his primordial wine.

"As you are the Dragon Emperor of the God Realm and Dragon God of the God Race, would it not be more suitable for the Dragon God Realm to be the capital instead of the Star God Realm?"

"The Star God Realm is the temporary capital until I bring the planet of my origin into the Primal Chaos Dimension," Aerion stated. "The Dragon God Realm, along with the Western Divine Region, will remain as your domain until it is passed onto your successor."

"My successor, hmm, I do not have one, Your Divine Grace."

"Then you should get one." Aerion chuckled. "Anyway, you're in the Divine Extinction Realm so time shouldn't be a worry of yours anymore. However, I remember when you told me your greatest regret was not having a son. You should be more than capable of producing one now, you only need a wife and some time before that regret is no more."

"I have not looked into such things before because of Senior Shen Xi." Long Bai sighed. "In the end, the thought of us being together was just a delusion of mine. Only his Divine Grace is worthy of Senior Shen Xi and so, I'll have to look for someone else."

"Indeed, you will. I look forward to seeing who you choose to be your dragon lady. The entire God Realm would be interested in such a matter, in fact."

"I'm afraid it will take some time." Long Bai laughed. "Something as important as marriage should not be rushed, after all."

Aerion nodded. "That would be wise of you."

"I am glad that you have finally moved on, Long Bai." Shen Xi sincerely stated.

"I am glad as well." Long Bai nodded.

"His only duty in life is serving the Dragon God now, who happens to be you, so Shen Xi is less important to him than yourself," Rotias observed.

'It does not take a genius to figure that one out, Rotias.'

"This God is merely stating facts, you don't have to listen, little dragon."

After the feast ended, Aerion made his way to the Pavillion which was given to him by Long Bai. It was a most majestic Pavillion, indeed, worthy of a God-Emperor. Aerion couldn't ask for more unless he wanted Long Bai to construct something fitting of a Celestial Dragon Emperor which would take weeks at the very least.

'What an evening that was...'

It took quite a lot of restraint to reject the many ladies who had thrown themselves at him for the hopes of even being his concubine. The fact that none of his wives were present at the feast was the main reason why they could approach him so easily. His dragon bloodlines did not make rejecting them any easier but he managed to control the desire for later despite being drunk to a degree. He has done so plenty of times before and this case wasn't any different.

He opened the doors to his Pavillion and entered the chambers without wasting much time. Then he fell into his bed for some rest.

In his dreams, he dreamt of a sword style which was made for dual-wielding. Dual-wielding two heavy swords, to be exact. It was a frightening yet amusing dream which inspired him to try dual-wielding heavy swords himself.


Aerion decided that it was time to leave the Dragon God Realm and return to the Eastern Divine Region after two weeks. One thing had made him increasingly curious and that was none other than Shen Xi's true identity. After making a stop in the Southern Divine Region, he decided it was a good time to ask.

"In truth, who are you, Shen Xi? No ordinary dragon would be sealed inside the Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword."

"Do you truly wish to know?"

"Of course, that is why I asked."

"Very well, as you are the Fire Dragon God's complete inheritor, it would only be right that you knew." Shen Xi smiled before shocking Aerion. "I am the Primordial Azure Dragon's daughter."

'The Primordial Azure Dragon's daughter...'

It took him a while to let that sink in.

"... No wonder. Unfortunately, he did not tell me that he had a daughter so I couldn't even speculate that."

"You've met Royal Father?"

"Mhm, at the very start of my cultivation journey. I was in a place where danger lurked in every corner so I had no choice but to take his trial, which was beneficial to me in the end as I passed through it."

"Can you take me to him? I would be indebted to you further, Aerion Targaryen."

Aerion nodded. "Of course, I'm quite curious as to what his reaction would be."

'It has been more than a decade since then...'

"Ah, yes. Do you still remember that time when you called the Primordial Azure Dragon a lizard?" Rotias reminded him.

'If I did not remember, then you wouldn't know about it.'

"Imagine having the Primordial Azure Dragon as one of your fathers-in-law... an amusing thought, if I do say so myself. I cannot say how Aerios would feel about it, however."

'How so?'

"He was the creator of the other dragons, every single one links back to him in some way or another, which means that he is their ancestor, a father-figure."

'I see. As his inheritor, however, such boundaries shouldn't extend to me. I am not the original Fire Dragon God, after all.'

"That is true. A Dragon should do as he wishes either way so you may as well get that vital yin energy, hahaha."

'Hmph, that will take time.'