A Dragon's Rage

The Divine Palace was just as Rotias had described it. The section he had just entered had only one way forward... forward. A magnificent and towering gate laid ahead. It seemed so close but, in truth, it was a long journey away. An endless supply of gods stood in his path, all of whom were alerted to his presence the moment he entered.

"I don't remember there being this many of them..." Rotias remarked.

"Who dares break inside of the Divine Palace!?"

"This Dragon dares."

Aerion's figure blitzed past the first true god in his path, leaving behind a corpse that was cut in half. In mere moments, a hundred of them joined the first victim. They attempted to surround him but it was a futile effort as they merely pulled themselves into the void of death that was Aerion Targaryen.

His violet Rinnegan saw everything before it even happened, dodging every single attack with ease. There was no remorse in those eyes... only killing intent. His twin heavy swords, which were enhanced by the Star Flame, cut through the gods like air. The number of deaths continued to grow at an even greater rate as Aerion started to use more of his profound skills.

By the time a minute passed, his entire body was covered in the blood of his enemies. The imposing robes of the Dragon Emperor were not recognisable and neither was the Dragon Emperor himself. Even the gods who served the Transcendent Being grew more hesitant when it came to charging him. The feeling of fear began to slowly appear as the blood-red, violet-eyed, absolutely terrifying Devil continued to tear apart the gods.

"Demon... no, Devil... he's unkillable..."

The true god's head was separated from his shoulders.


The invasion had begun.

A cloud of divine light fell onto King's Landing as millions of demons descended. They did not look like demons, however. Every one of them had a saint-like appearance and their aura was reminiscent of light profound energy. They were all true gods of the Transcendent Being, who much-preferred light over darkness when it came to his subjects.

They looked like angels but their intent was that of a horde of demons. Most of them were in the True God Realm, except for the top 0.01%. Yes... this frightening invasion force consisted of hundreds of Creation Gods!

'So the prophecy was true.' The Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor looked at King's Landing from space, with a beautiful round bead in her hand. 'The crown prince was wise not to confront this invasion directly. Only Aerion and the other avatars would be able to fend off such a force. Even then, they would have to combine their strength and fight for an extended period of time. To think that a calamity of this scale would one day strike the Primal Chaos Dimension...'

She withdrew World Piercer and used it to pierce through space, appearing in the God Realm of Absolute Beginning within an instant. The primordial profound beasts present ran away at the sight of her as she began to search for a suitable location to hide.

Meanwhile, in King's Landing.

A tall young man clad in splendid silver and crimson armour walked the long path of corpses to the Red Keep. His white cape was untouched by red, except for the crimson dragon in the very middle. As he passed the corpses, the young man elegantly burned some of them away with his white flames. A rather beautiful lady with olive skin and dark hair accompanied him, holding his right arm. The blood of the peasants made her uncomfortable so he erased the corpses from existence with his flame.

The angels formed an organised path for their leader. Eventually, he reached the entrance. The gate which used to stand was no more. A shining light radiated from the broken wall behind the Iron Throne.

"The Dragon Emperor's throne." The young man observed and turned to his subject. "Did you find any of his children?"

"No, there was not a single person with the Fire Dragon God's aura. We've scoured every corner of this place. In truth, we did not find anyone of significance on this planet."

"How disappointing... it seems that someone foresaw this attack and evacuated the exceptional figures beforehand. You did slaughter the masses but they were no more than worthless peasants. Hmph, but the invasion will continue. All four Divine Regions will be wiped out and only then will we turn our eyes to those who managed to slip away."

"Understood, Your Majesty."

"My Queen, why don't you settle here while I complete the task that has been granted to me by Him?"

"I find no issue in that."

"Brilliant... I'll be returning to you soon." He kissed her before turning around and proceeding onwards with the invasion.

~The Seventh Heaven Realm

"Jaehaerys... have you gone mad, bringing all of us here?" Aurion sighed. "You did not even tell us why you did so... which is the main issue."

"Be patient," Jaehaerys replied. "The Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor will make things clear for you. You can consider this action of mine to be a precaution."

"A precaution for what?" Aurion inquired.

"I'd rather not say..."

"Jaehaerys, you are being far too discreet for my liking..."

Visenya scoffed. "Maybe we'll have to beat it out of you."

"You have all of the beauty in the world yet not a single shred of grace to go with it." Jaehaerys shook his head. "I feel as if I am talking to some brute who understands nothing but strength. Please, do stop acting this way. It's unfitting for a princess."

"You... hmph, strength is absolute. Allow me to demonstrate-"

"How childish." Helaena looked Visenya in the eye and she fell onto the ground, unconscious.

"Thank you, elder sister." Jaehaerys smiled.

"Perhaps I should be the one thanking you," Helaena replied


"Filling the Seventh Heaven Realm to its very limit is not something you would do without reason," Helaena stated. "You have hidden your unease well... but it will not escape my eyes. Still, I'd rather not jump to conclusions yet. The truth of the matter will present itself in due time."

"The truth..." Naerys muttered. "I hope that you are overreacting, Jaehaerys."

'I hope so as well... I do not know the strength of the invasion so I evacuated everyone just in case the demons were insurmountable. If they could be defeated by father's formations then I would leave and destroy them all before they could lay their hands on anyone. The Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor is the best person to leave as a scout for Primal Chaos as she has the World Piercer and the strength of a Creation God.'

'Now... how long can we wait, when will this invasion actually happen? Am I just being too cautious for a mere nightmare?'

Jaehaerys sat by the bonfire, thinking about his decision.

Then the Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor emerged inside of the Seventh Heaven Realm and flew to Jaehaerys.

"Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor... did you see anything?"

"Your prophecy was true... it happened a few hours ago. Even with the formations your father prepared, it would not have been possible to defeat the invaders."

Jaehaerys' face sank. "I see."

"Invaders?" Aurion stood up. "Did I hear that right!?"

"Yes, Aurion... you did."

"So we ran away from an invasion!" Aurion roared. "An act of cowardice... do you know how my people have died because we did not fight back?"

"More would have died if we did. Everyone here would be dead sooner or later." Jaehaerys' replied with a sorrowful tone. "I... saved as many as I could."

"Argh... I'd rather die than run away. We, Targaryens, are not cowards."

'I'd rather be a coward who saves millions than a fool who runs into his death and dies with Primal Chaos...' Jaehaerys thought, although he was unable to say such a thing to his elder brother's face.

"Then you can leave and die." The Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor coldly stated. "Whether you agree with it or not, the crown prince made the best decision possible under these circumstances."

"What is the current state of Primal Chaos?" Aurion inquired. "More importantly, how strong are these invaders?"

"From what I saw, Primal Chaos will not last any longer than a week. The capital was first to fall and the invaders... hundreds of creation gods. That is all I have to say regarding that matter."

"Hundreds... of... creation... gods?" Everyone, except for Jaehaerys, was shocked and frightened beyond belief. Jaehaerys had already predicted that it would have to be something like that as his father's formations were no joke.

'So the dragon dream was not wrong.'

"I need some time to reflect on this." Aurion walked away.

"Jaehaerys, you had a dragon dream of this?" Naerys inquired.

"Yes... if it weren't for that dream, we wouldn't be here."

"Now I see why Royal Father chose you. Aurion and Visenya wouldn't be quite as cautious... and they would be too proud to run from home." Helaena sighed. "We will have to move on from this calamity... somehow."

"Instead of hoping for the swift return of Royal Father, I want to find the Ancestral Land. There, we would be safe from the invaders until he returns. Royal Father told me that the entrance is somewhere in the God Realm of Absolute Beginning and requires the blood of an Ancestral God to open." Jaehaerys stated.

"I know where it is." Jie Yuan replied.

"You do?"

"Yes, but it will be your duty to open the formation."

"I can't thank you enough for this..."

"I am repaying your father's kindness." Jie Yuan left the Seventh Heaven Realm, returning to Primal Chaos.

"Home... is it really gone?" Rhaenyra started to tear up.

Jaehaerys didn't know how to comfort her as this event wasn't something you could just move on from.

"Dragons don't cry... stay strong." Naerys comforted her. "All of this will be over when Royal Father returns. He will slaughter all of the invaders and rebuild everything that was lost..."

'Those invaders... who do they think they are, attacking the Valyrian Empire?'

Jaehaerys' grit his teeth and walked away to reflect himself.


After a day of slaughtering hundreds of thousands of true gods like sheep, Aerion stood before the golden entrance. His breathing was heavy and his knees were close to bending from exhaustion but he supported himself with the Heaven Smiting Sword.

The Transcendent Being appeared before the entrance in his Old Man form. "Some really bad news, son-in-law."


"All of your children and most of your wives are dead. My prospect made sure of it..."

"Lies." Aerion looked into his eyes and determined the truth. "Jaehaerys... would not... fail... me."

"Lies?" The Transcendent Being laughed. "Your eyes are quite perceptive. Being around people of intrigue does develop such skills, I suppose."

"I thought... as much." Aerion managed a chuckle.

"Hmph... you Targaryens and your dragon dreams." The Transcendent Being disappeared and his voice echoed across the massive hall. "You may proceed to the next challenge at any time."

Aerion closed his eyes.

'My body is completely drained... I should rest.'