Shameless People

Mo Xi took a deep breath and strolled casually into the school with light steps, but just as she was about to enter, she heard someone arguing in the back of the alley. She wanted to walk away until she heard someone being hit.

She rushed to the alley and saw a guy, who wore spectacles and looked very weak, getting hit by another guy. A girl stood beside the guy that didn't wear spectacles and looked at the spectacle-guy victoriously with disgust in her eyes.

"Why... Why!" The spectacle-guy asked in disbelief. He felt pain all over his body, but the place that hurts the most was his heart.

"Ha! Lu Jin Sheng, what makes you think that I, Wen Ting Ting, daughter of a wealthy real estate company, would really like you? You are poor, weak, ill, not educated and do not have any background. Did you really think that I would like you just for your talent in designing?" Wen Ting Ting ridiculed.

"Take a look at yourself in the mirror! You can't even protect me if I was in danger in that state. Then look at Ning Hua, he is smart, strong, talented and also, he comes from the Ning's family. Ning's family is also famous in the Fashion Industry, only someone like him can like me. Most importantly, we love each other. If he wins the competition this time around, we would be getting married." Wen Ting Ting continued.

Mo Xi snorted as she heard the initial part of their conversation while she was walking to the alley. She found it ridiculous for a person to steal someone else's work and gave such reasons. When she arrived at the alley and was in front of the three of them, she looked at the three of them in their eyes and decided to help Lu Jin Sheng.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... I have seen shameless people, but I am glad to say that you are one of the most shameless people I have ever met..." Mo Xi walks clapped her hands while looking at Wen Ting Ting and Ning Hua.

"Who are you! Why are you intervening in our matters here?!" Wen Ting Ting shouted.

"Get lost! If not, I will beat you up as well!" Ning Hua took a step forward trying to intimidate Mo Xi.

Mo Xi stood still, hands crossed with a daunting aura in front of Lu Jin Sheng and glanced nonchalantly at Wen Ting Ting and Ning Hua. Her aura took Wen Ting Ting and Ning Hua aback. Ning Hua took a step back and pretended to look at Mo Xi fiercely. Lu Jin Sheng tried to stand properly while he looked at the girl standing in front of him.

"Made use of others," Mo Xi raised her chin pointing at Wen Ting Ting while she said, "in the name of love, to take someone else's work, pretended that it was yours to make yourself famous! Did your whole family get famous by taking other's work as well? I didn't know the famous designer, Ning Hua, was so cheap to do such stuff. Do you even have shame? He!"

Nervousness flashed across Ning Hua's face as he looked at Wen Ting Ting and then back at Mo Xi. His face turned red from anger and he went silent for a moment because he does not have anything that he could rebut to. He thought hard and when he wanted to talk back, Mo Xi opened her mouth once again cutting him off.

"Stupidly get used by others, can't even tell who is the one that truly likes you. Do you think that you are really smart to have fooled him as well? I think the one that is dumb is you because you threw someone who truly liked you away and worked so hard for someone who doesn't. Oh! One day when you fall, don't cry, because you deserved it for hurting him! You tricked him to give his hard work to such kind of man and when you are standing in front of him now, you don't even show the least bit of remorse. Moreover, you even looked down on him! If that man there is bad for using others work, you are even worse. I am sure he will bring you two down one day. If you don't believe, let's wait and see!" Mo Xi looked at Wen Ting Ting and pointed at Lu Jin Sheng.

"What do you mean?!" Wen Ting Ting was confused and angered by what Mo Xi said.

"Don't you spout nonsense! I love Ting Ting and I did not make use of her!" Ning Hua shouted.

"He! I won't waste my saliva to explain to you, instead, you should ask him. He should know best!" Mo Xi replied Wen Ting Ting.

Mo Xi turned around to hold onto Lu Jin Sheng, who was about to faint. His body doesn't have many external injuries but the look on his face means that he needs to go to the hospital immediately.

When Mo Xi held onto Lu Jin Sheng with her right arm and walked away. However, someone tried to attack her, she dodged off and held Lu Jin Sheng in her left arm instead. She turned around and looked at Ning Hua who tried to attack her again; she raised her right arm and caught Ning Hua's fist in her hand. She strengthened the force that she used to grab Ning Hua's fist. Ning Hua groaned in pain and when he was about to drop to his knees, she then raised her right foot and kicked him in his stomach.

"If you don't wish for your hands to break and still want to continue your dream as a designer in the future, then don't ever try to attack me! Especially, ambush me! This makes me despise you even more."

After finishing her words, Mo Xi left with Lu Jin Sheng, leaving Ning Hua and Wen Ting Ting behind. Wen Ting Ting rush towards Ning Hua and helped him up.

"Ning Hua, are you alright?! Do you need to go to the hospital?!" Wen Ting Ting asked anxiously.

Ning Hua instinctively pushed Wen Ting Ting aside due to the humiliation he felt.

"Ah!" Wen Ting Ting fell to the ground and hurt herself.

When Ning Hua realized that he pushed Wen Ting Ting, Ning Hua immediately got up and asked her, "Ting Ting, are you okay?! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!"

Although Ning Hua looked very anxious, his eyes flashed a tinge of annoyance because he had to care for Wen Ting Ting. However, Wen Ting Ting did not get to look at his eyes before that tinge of annoyance disappeared and was replaced with only love.

"Um... I'm fine. Don't worry. Let's go!" Wen Ting Ting said as she leaned onto Ning Hua's chest.

When Mo Xi helped Lu Jin Sheng out of the alley, Lu Jin Sheng had already fainted. Mo Xi hailed a cab and went to the hospital with him.