True Capabilities

"Principal, Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Wen. Now that all of them understood the concepts, can we honor our bet?"

"Principal! Isn't this too much?! How could she treat her teacher this way?! She could have colluded with them! If she was so smart, why would she still be in high school year one at the age of twenty-two!" Mrs. Wen said desperately.

"Wow… I think you are trying too hard right now, if you used this amount of hard work and effort in trying to cause trouble for me, into teaching, Class 5 could have gotten better results long ago."

"What? Cause trouble for you?! You were the one that disrespected me first!"

Jing Bo Chuan and Huo Meng Li couldn't take it any longer, they immediately stood up from their seats and told the Principal and Mrs. Lee whatever that happened.

Mo Xi then continued after the Principal and Mrs. Lee heard everything, "Principal, Mrs. Lee since Mrs. Wen once again said that we colluded, then why not we use the upcoming mid-terms to prove Class 5's true capabilities?"

Mrs. Lee caught what Mo Xi was trying to say, "You mean if everyone in Class 5 passed the Mathematics exam next week, then Mrs. Wen would need to leave?"

"No," Mrs. Lee was about to ask what Mo Xi meant when Mo Xi continued, "I mean if everyone in Class 5 gets an 'A', Mrs. Wen have to apologize to all of us for insulting us and then leave the school. Mrs. Wen isn't fit to be a teacher."

The whole of Class 5 looked at Mo Xi, in shocked and blinked hard several times before they erupted.

"What?! Every one of us gets an A?!"

"None of us have ever passed Mathematics ever since we came here!"

"Even if we worked our asses off, how can we pass the exam that is next week?!"

Mo Xi chuckled looking at their innocence.

"Are you crazy?! They never even passed their exams before; how can they get an 'A' for Mathematics?!" Mrs. Wen raised her voice in surprise.

Mo Xi ignored Mrs. Wen and turned to the Principal and Mrs. Lee, "Principal, Mrs. Lee, I am sure you all have seen how Class 5 performed after my explanations. You should be able to see how much potential they have but was hidden by Mrs. Wen before. Hence, I request that all lessons before the exams next week be canceled for Class 5."

"Isn't this nonsense?! How are you going to take the responsibilities if the parents were to sue the school for such actions?!" Mrs. Wen protested

Mo Xi glanced at Mrs. Wen coldly, "If anyone of them gets less than eighty-five for Mathematics and less than seventy for other subjects, I, Mo Xi, will leave the school immediately and you can even put me in jail or do whatever you all want to. I would also be solely responsible for any damage to the school's reputation. Principal and Mrs. Lee, may I have your permission?"

In Mrs. Wen's eyes, Mo Xi was just talking big. However, in Mrs. Lee and the Principal's eyes, they believed that Class 5 have the potentials. Mrs. Lee and the Principal hopes for the best for all their students, "Alright, you have my permissions," the principal said after contemplating for a while.

Mrs. Wen wanted to argue more, but the Principal told Mrs. Wen to follow him to the office, leaving Mrs. Lee the only teacher there now.

"Mo Xi, can you tell me why you are in High School at such age when you seem so smart?" Mrs. Lee asked as she pulled Mo Xi out of the class. Based on the explanations made by Mo Xi earlier on, Mrs. Lee believes that Mo Xi was very intelligent, Mo Xi should have already at least learned the things from year 3.

Mrs. Lee wasn't wrong to think that Mo Xi has already learned the things from year 3 because Mo Xi learned them all on her own and went to the university directly.

"I was born premature, so I had poor health since young. My father was worried about me attending school, so I only started school when I was around twelve years old."

"Oh… No matter what, I believe that you mean well for Class 5 if you need any help just tell me," Mrs. Lee said as she walked out, she believed that Mo Xi really can help Class 5.

"Mm. Thank you!"

Mo Xi went back to face Class 5. The class was silent, none of them knew what to say or do. They felt that Mo Xi might have trusted them too much to believe that they could get those scores in less than a week.

"Trust me," Mo Xi said as she looked at all of them and smiled.

When Mo Xi smiled, everyone in the class was drawn into her, somehow, they believed that they could do it. Everyone had a look of determination in their eyes, they trusted Mo Xi and waited for her to tell them what to do.

"We have around another twenty minutes before break time, so let's continue with Mathematics," Mo Xi said as she went to the board.

Mo Xi continued with other concepts that they were supposed to learn and then did what she had done earlier on. Throughout the twenty minutes, everyone learned enthusiastically.

At 9 a.m., everyone stayed in class as they intended to continue with their work.

"Although I am very happy that you all are putting in so much effort to learn, you guys should still go and have a break. There is nothing more important than your health, without your health, what is the point of doing well in the exams. Let's go, it is my first day here, I don't know where the canteen is and what food is nice." Mo Xi said as she began to walk out.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Laughter erupted in the class as everyone stood up and followed Mo Xi.

Huo Meng Li ran to Mo Xi and hugged her arms, "Mo Xi! You are so nice! No one ever stood up for our class that way before…"

Mo Xi patted Huo Meng Li's head again and said, "Let's go, I am hungry."

Jing Bo Chuan walked beside Mo Xi and Huo Meng Li, while the rest of the class followed behind. Class 5 was so united that they sat together during break time and had their meal together happily while they chatted.

Mo Xi called Yan Chu before she went back to the class. Mo Xi went on to help them with their Chinese for another one and a half hour, then English for another one and a half hour.

At 1 p.m., Mo Xi reminded them to have their lunch and told them that she has something urgent to do but would be back at two. Mo Xi went to the school library and typed down notes for Chinese and English. The notes included a list of vocabularies, how the vocabularies should be used, common mistakes, grammar and everything else, including questions and answers. She then printed twenty-eight copies of each Chinese and English notes and went back to class.

Mo Xi passed down the notes and said, "Read them whenever you are free, there are questions in them attempt them and check the answers. Languages are tougher than other subjects because you can only improve them through practicing and memorizing. Subjects like Mathematics and sciences only requires you to understand the concepts, once you understand them, you would be able to do them easily. So, spend your free time on these two languages, for the other subjects, the time spent in class would be more than enough."

Class 5 was extremely touched by Mo Xi's action and one of them asked, "Why are you spending so much time in helping us?"