You Are Going To Scare Her

After school, Mo Xi went home with Lu Jin Sheng.

Lu house.

"My dear daughter, you are back!" Ye Juan An said excitedly.

"Mom!" Mo Xi hugged Ye Juan An tightly as she never had a mother to welcome her home before.

Meanwhile, Lu Jin Sheng was completely ignored by his mother.

Lu Jin Sheng thought: Why do I feel like I no longer have a place at home?

Lu Jin Xiao who was in the house saw everything as well and he looked at Lu Jin Sheng. They communicated with their eyes.

"Brother, why do I feel like I no longer have a place at home?"

"My dear brother, I have been at home for two hours and mother ignored me the whole time. While she prepared dinner, the only thing on her mind was what to cook for Mo Xi."

"Seems like our dear younger sister has become the top priority at home, and we are at the bottom."

"HAHAHA! Yeap, but I don't care about being at the bottom as long as I have my dear sister at home!"

"That's true! We finally have a dear sister to dote on and I like her since I saw her. I am more than happy to have her at home."

"Oh, Jin Sheng you are back?"


"Mom, I came back with Mo Xi."

"Oh, great! Let's start eating dinner then!"

Mo Xi and Lu Jin Sheng went into the house and greeted grandpa Lu, grandma Lu, and Lu Qing Min. They then proceeded to the dining table to have dinner.

During dinner, Lu Qing Min asked Mo Xi, "Little Xi, yesterday Mo Chen said that you are going to the Jing Mansion on Saturday, right?"

"Yes, is something wrong?"

"No, I just wanted to ask you to prepare yourself for what you are about to face."

"I have already prepared myself for what I might be facing…"

"Mm, that's good then."

Mo Xi had prepared herself the moment Jing Mo Chen told her about meeting his family. However, Mo Xi didn't prepare herself for something even crazier than she could ever think of.

After dinner, Mo Xi took out a copy of the notes that she had previously prepared for Class 5 and passed it to Lu Jin Sheng. She then asked Lu Jin Sheng to try some questions, she then reviewed them and looked at what was wrong. She did what she did with Class 5 and Lu Jin Sheng also managed to grasp those new concepts easily. They worked hard till 10 p.m. before they called it a day, and Mo Xi returned to M & M Hotel to accompany Jing Mo Chen.

M & M Hotel.

"Time to have medicine!" Mo Xi said as soon as she entered Jing Mo Chen's room.

Jing Mo Chen drank the medicine swiftly and Mo Xi couldn't help but gulp. Mo Xi was also taking medicine because of her health; however, Mo Xi's problem wasn't as bad as Jing Mo Chen's. Hence, Mo Xi's medicine wasn't as strong as Jing Mo Chen's, but Mo Xi already found that her medicine was already very bitter and Jing Mo Chen's medicine was definitely worse.

"It's very bitter, right? Sorry for making you drink this, but it is good for you, so you must take it. However, to praise you for being a good boy, I am going to reward you."

"It's not that bitter since it was prepared by you with my health in mind. However, I still want a reward, so what is the reward?"

Mo Xi didn't say anything else, she tiptoed and kissed Jing Mo Chen's lips. She lightly sucked Jing Mo Chen's lips and quickly left.

"Do you like the reward?" Mo Xi asked cheekily.

Jing Mo Chen's face darkened and held Mo Xi's head with one hand as he crashed his lips onto hers. While the other hand held onto Mo Xi's waist tightly and squeezed it. A moan escaped from Mo Xi's lips and Jing Mo Chen slipped his tongue into Mo Xi's mouth immediately. He kissed Mo Xi hungrily and eventually his hand started to slip under Mo Xi's shirt. His hand traveled from her waist to her back then towards the soft mount on Mo Xi's body. He gently brushed it before he pushed her bra up and gently squeezed it. Mo Xi's body shuddered due to the sudden excitement and she moaned out loud. The places where Jing Mo Chen's hands touched left trails of heat on Mo Xi's body.

It was the first time that Jing Mo Chen kissed Mo Xi with such hunger, and she could feel that she was at her body's limit. She pushed him lightly to tell him that she can't continue anymore, and he bit Mo Xi's lips then stopped immediately. He pulled Mo Xi into his arms tightly and leaned his head against her head while she rested her head on his chest. They breathed deeply while they tried to suppress their desires.

Mo Xi could feel that Jing Mo Chen didn't feel well from the changes in Jing Mo Chen's body. She was very happy to see that she could make him lose control so easily and yet he was still willing to control himself. However, because Jing Mo Chen was in such pain, she felt extremely guilty.

Mo Xi thought: If I had known, I would not have played with fire…

After they managed to cool off, they went to bathe separately.

Jing Mo Chen still couldn't sleep well without Mo Xi, so Mo Xi slept in Jing Mo Chen's arms

Mo Xi continued with helping Lu Jin Sheng with his studies and keeping an eye on Jing Mo Chen's health for the rest of the week.

Following Saturday.

Although Jing Mo Chen reassured Mo Xi that his family would like her, Mo Xi prepared herself to face various problems. For example, getting splashed a cup of tea, being thrown out of the house, getting slapped for being a third party, getting criticized for being a nobody, getting money thrown on her face, and many more. This was the first time Mo Xi felt that her imagination seems to be good because she could imagine out all those scenes in her mind.

Jing Mo Chen could tell that Mo Xi was worried, so he pulled her into a hug to comfort her.

"Don't worry, no matter what happens I will always be there. No one can separate us ever again." Jing Mo Chen said while rubbing Mo Xi's back then kissed her eyelid after he finished his sentence.

Mo Xi was still nervous, but she felt much calmer because of Jing Mo Chen's words. She looked into Jing Mo Chen's eyes before she smiled and then tiptoed to kiss Jing Mo Chen's lips lightly.

"Mm." Jing Mo Chen then held Mo Xi's hand tightly as they walked towards Jing Mo Chen's car and drove to Jing Mansion.

Jing Mansion.

Mo Xi braced herself for what she was about to face the moment she stepped in, she took a deep breath and the door open.

"Little Xi!!!! You are here!!!!" An elegant lady opened the door and hugged Mo Xi tightly.

Mo Xi was dumbfounded by the sudden hug, she didn't even see who opened the door before she was hugged.

"Mom, you are going to scare her like that."

Mom… Mom? Mom?! Mo Chen's Mother????!!!!