Can Finally Marry You

"Right now, I am just a normal student in other people's eyes, I don't want to become a disgrace for Mo Chen. Also, I intend to enter Capital Media University after graduating from high school. I want to help those people who are struggling in the entertainment industry, and to that, I must enter it and set an example. I hope that I can stand beside Mo Chen with this identity."

Initially, when they heard that Mo Xi wanted to enter the entertainment industry, they were quite shocked. However, listening to her explanation, they could understand her choice. Mo Xi had the ability to protect herself and others, and in the entertainment industry, many need such help.

Jing Cang then said, "Alright, but we must still hold a wedding within our two families first. I don't wish that Lu family think that we are irresponsible people. As for the public, we can hold another wedding after you have made an accomplishment or whenever you feel that you are ready to announce it."

Yang Shu Ling added, "We will just announce that Mo Chen is married, but we will keep your identity hidden first."

Mo Xi was elated to hear that, "Thank you, mom! Thank you, dad!"

Mo Xi couldn't contain her happiness anymore and she immediately ran into Jing Mo Chen's arms. Both of their eyes turned red and tears welled up.

"Little Xi, I can finally marry you!" Jing Mo Chen said as a tear rolled down his face while he hugged Mo Xi.

"Mo Chen, I can finally marry you!" Mo Xi cried out as she buried herself into Jing Mo Chen's chest.

They pulled away from the hug, looked into each other's eyes that were red. Jing Mo Chen held onto Mo Xi's face as he laughed, and Mo Xi held onto Jing Mo Chen's waist as she laughed as well. They then pulled each other into a hug again and tears continued to roll down their faces.

Everyone else in the living room teared up at the sight.

At night, back at Jing Mo Chen's room.

Jing Mo Chen and Mo Xi were lying on the bed after they washed up.

"Thank you… Thank you for loving me all these years…" Mo Xi said as she started to tear up again.

"Thank you for appearing in my life…" Jing Mo Chen said as he placed a kiss on Mo Xi's forehead, then at the corner of Mo Xi's eyes. He kissed away her tears and used his fingers to brush away the tears before he pulled her into a deep hug.

"What have you been doing all this while? Weren't you a Lieutenant Colonel when we first met? How did you end up taking over the company?"

"I have always been working in the Jing Corporation, but I was also working in the military. However, after the attack on the island, many of us, including me, were heavily injured. We don't know how they managed to obtain so many advance weapons and how they build up their empire without anyone knowing. I suspected that their successful escaped had something to do with people in our country, so I decided to take over the Jing Corporation fully, to have more power to look into the matter."

"Did you manage to find out anything?"

"No. Those that managed to escape, completely disappeared into thin air, those that we captured then were only the lackeys…"

"There are only three explanations for this, one, their group has always been around, but inactive. Two, they have a powerful group that is hiding their activities. Three, both."

"I believe so as well… The only clue that I obtained thus far was that the group that is hiding them is in our country."

Mo Xi's eyes glistened, "I looked up on my family before, but there was no trace of them at all. The only thing that I could find was that there is a group that is hiding the information, and the group is in Country X. I think the group that you and I are looking for are the same, and it could mean that my aunt's husband is the leader of the group. The fact that both of us cannot find much information about the group means that the group is either on par with our power or above us."

"Combining the information that we have, it means that the criminal group has been around for very long, but for some reasons they were inactive. The attack on the island was their first announcement to the public that they have returned. The reason why they could lie undiscovered is that they have another group, perhaps a company, that hid their activities from us. You said that your aunt and your aunt's husband drugged your mother to prevent your birth, this could mean that they are after your mother or father's asset. This could be the reason why they could be hidden for so long."

"This probably means that my birth parents are no longer around…" Mo Xi said calmly but her heart throbbed painfully at the thought.

Mo Xi had long thought that her parents probably had passed away because given that someone wants her dead, it probably means that her parents would be in danger as well. However, to hear that her parents died because her aunt fought over her parents' assets, Mo Xi heart pained instantly.

Jing Mo Chen noticed it and hugged Mo Xi tightly, "No matter what happens, you are my wife, I will always be there for you. You have my family and my parents, you also have the Lu family as your home."

Hearing that, Mo Xi felt much better although her heart was still in pain from the thought of her parents' possible death.

"Mm. Thank you, my Mo Chen…" Mo Xi said and then kissed Jing Mo Chen's on his lips deeply.

Mo Xi wanted to convey all her emotions through the kiss, so she kissed him deeply. Jing Mo Chen was stunned at first, but he quickly took control of the kiss as he started to kiss Mo Xi deeper. Jing Mo Chen's tongue slipped into Mo Xi's mouth and swept through her mouth. When he realized that she cannot continue anymore, he bit her lips one last time and started to rain kisses on her face. He lightly kissed her forehead, eyes, cheeks, nose and then moved down to her neck and collarbone. He lingered around her collarbone to take in her scent while he kissed her gently. He then moved up to her neck once again. He looked up to look at her eyes and she saw the hunger in his eyes. His head went down again, and he bit her neck, then licked it to soothe the pain. He continued around Mo Xi's neck, leaving red marks around her neck. He held her waist with one hand and the other hand slipped into her clothes and trailed its way up to her breast. His head moved down further to her collarbone and eventually on her breast.

Although Mo Xi was holding it back the whole time, her moans still managed to escape her mouth from time to time. This was the first time Mo Xi felt that her will power wasn't as strong as she thought.

Her moans made Jing Mo Chen even more enticed and he kissed her body with even more hunger. For the first time in Jing Mo Chen's life, he felt that he was losing self-control and he doesn't know how to get back his self-control.

They both knew that they wanted it, but they can't because it wasn't good for either of their health now. However, today was a day where they got approval for their marriage, after five years, they could finally get married. They could finally have each other for the rest of their lives. The happiness that they were feeling made them lose their will power and self-control.

After a while, Jing Mo Chen regained a tinge of his self-control. He bit Mo Xi's lips one last time and pulled her into a hug. They panted while they tried to suppress their desires.

Minutes later, Mo Xi held Jing Mo Chen's hand and felt his pulse, "The medicine is working very well, if you continue to rest well and take the medicine, you will fully recover in three months' time. Luckily, you have been exercising all these years, that's why your body could recover faster, if not you might take half a year to recover."