I Thought You Were Blind

"Let's go to sleep earlier today, we have to wake up earlier tomorrow to go to Lu family. I can't wait for Mo Chen's and little Xi's marriage!"

"Aye! Why are you still like a little kid in front of me even at this age?" Although Jing Cang was complaining, he really loved this side of his wife which no one else but him could see.

"Don't you love this side of me?" Yang Shu Ling said excitedly as she slid to Jing Cang's side and hugged his arm. In front of Jing Cang, Yang Shu Ling was just like a child, she would act like a spoiled child and hugged Jing Cang. Behind the elegant or stern look that they gave others, they were just like any young couple.

"Of course, I love this side of you, that's why I will love you dearly tonight." Jing Cang replied lovingly and kissed his wife deeply. Although they have been together for many years, Yang Shu Ling still blushed when she understood what Jing Cang was saying, "Alright, I look forward to your performance tonight." They continued kissing in the car on the way back.

The driver in front was shocked when he saw what was happening at the back. Although such things happened almost every other day, he was still not used to facing such scenes with a straight face. He quickly raised the glass that was blocking the front and back seats, and desperately tried to keep his mind clear. However, his face still went red as moans could still be heard.

I should suggest the boss changing the glass to a soundproof one. Yes. No. I should suggest making the whole car soundproof. Why is it that I still feel like I am fed tons of dog food even though I am already married with kids just like the boss?! I cannot continue my work anymore! T.T

Next day at Lu house.

"Old Lu, we came here today to discuss the marriage of the two children." Jing Cang said to grandpa Lu once they sat down in the living room.

"HAHAHAHAHA! I didn't expect that my dear granddaughter could manage to move your hearts so fast! Seems like you all like little Xi as well!" Grandpa Lu said while laughing warmly.

"Yes. Of course, apart from little Xi being a nice girl, the most important thing to us was Mo Chen. Since they love each other, there was no reason for me to say no. Furthermore, we didn't really like Yu Ning in the first place, though on the surface we acted like we really like her."

"HAHAHAHA! I thought you were blind."

"Tsk! Old friend, how could you say that…"

"Sorry. HAHAHAHA! Oh yes, what were you talking about for the marriage?"

"Little Xi said that she doesn't want to let the public know about her marriage to Mo Chen yet, so we thought that we should at least hold the wedding with the two families first. When little Xi is ready to announce it, we would then hold a grand wedding. How would you all like the marriage to be like?"

"We have to look at the opinions of the two children, little xi, Mo Chen, what kind of wedding would you all like to have?"

Mo Xi and Jing Mo Chen looked at each other as though waiting for each other to answer. The two of them laughed when they knew that they were thinking of the same thing. Nothing mattered to them as long as they have each other.

"Dad, mom, you all decide, we only want to have each other that's all. We don't have any opinions about the wedding, the only thing we want is that the wedding is to be held three months later." Jing Mo Chen said as he held Mo Xi waist tightly.

Hearing that Jing Mo Chen wants the wedding to be held in three months, Jing Cang and Yang Shu Ling were puzzled. They knew that Jing Mo Chen loved Mo Xi a lot, so they thought that he would want the wedding to be held quickly, perhaps even today.

Mo Xi saw the question they had and answered, "I am conditioning Mo Chen's body and my body now. If nothing goes wrong, in three months, we would be fully recovered. We hope that we would be in the pink of health when we get married, that's why agreed on putting it in three months."

"Mo Chen, your health is getting better?!" Yang Shu Ling asked anxiously.

Although Jing Mo Chen's poor health hadn't caused him much problem because he had strong will power when he did things, Yang Shu Ling was still very worried about his health.

"Mm. Little Xi has been conditioning it ever since we met again."

"Little Xi, is it true that Mo Chen is going to recover soon?" Yang Shu Ling held Mo Xi's hands anxiously while she asked.

"Mom, it's true."

"That's great! Thank you little Xi!" Yang Shu Ling exclaimed in tears.

"Mom, don't cry, this is a good thing. There is no need for you to thank me. This is what I should do, and we are a family."

"Yes! Alright, I won't cry. We are a family!"

"Mom, you don't need to worry about our health. If you still don't believe, you just have to wait." Jing Mo Chen said.

"Wait for what?" Yang Shu Ling asked curiously.

Mo Xi turned around to look at Jing Mo Chen and when she looked into his eyes, her face turned bright red and she turned back immediately.

Jing Mo Chen knew that Mo Xi knew what he was going to say, so he swiftly brought Mo Xi into his arms and held her waist tightly.

"Wait to babysit your six grandchildren." Jing Mo Chen replied calmly as though he was talking about the weather.

"Right, baby?" Jing Mo Chen asked Mo Xi while he spoke with his mouth around her neck causing his hot breath to fan on her neck. Jing Mo Chen then squeezed Mo Xi's waist while he hugged her tighter.

Mo Xi didn't dare to breathe as she was afraid that embarrassing sounds would escape her mouth if she was to open her mouth. She gently pushed Jing Mo Chen away and said quickly, "There are elders around, don't be like that."

Mo Xi regretted the moment those words left her mouth.

"Oh, so you mean if there was no one around I can be like that?"

"No! No! No!" Mo Xi shook her head vigorously.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Laughter erupted in the room as the elders watched how Mo Xi and Jing Mo Chen interacted.

Mo Xi was so embarrassed that she immediately hid her face in Jing Mo Chen's chest, whereas Jing Mo Chen just chuckled as he held her.

Luckily there are no outsiders around if not my image would be ruined… T_T Why is that I always get flustered in front of Mo Chen…