Quit Your Jobs

"Principal! Look they are inside there!" Luo Bing Bing opened the door and showed the Principal what was happening in the toilet.

The Principal was in shocked when he saw Mo Xi inside the toilet and was even more shocked to see a girl lying on the ground.

"What is this?! What happened?!" The Principal asked angrily.

"Principal! That girl there broke their arms!" Luo Bing Bing said hurriedly.


"No… We are fine! See!" The two girls said in unison as they waved their hands around.

"No... How could this be?! Didn't your hands crack earlier?"

"Yes… I mean our hands did crack but it didn't break. In fact, our shoulder pain was cured."

"Yes! Yes! She cracked our bones because we had shoulder pain!"

The two girls explained hurriedly.

"Then what about her?!" The Principal asked as he pointed to the girl on the floor.

The three girls became extremely scared, however, the two girls that were told off by Mo Xi decided to admit to their wrongdoings. They recalled the determined look in Mo Xi's eyes, and they wanted to become someone like Mo Xi. Capable and reliable.

"Principal, we did it… Just now, she accidentally poured coffee onto Bing Bing's dress and Bing Bing was angry, so we pulled her to the toilet… We held her down while Bing Bing slapped her… I think she heard what was going on when she came to the toilet, so she knocked down the door… Sorry." One of the girls said as she bowed down to apologize.

"Sorry…" The other girl followed as well.

Luo Bing Bing was anxious because she didn't expect that the two girls would admit to whatever they had done. Honestly, the two girls only held the girl down, the one that caused all the physical injuries were her!

"Principal! I am sorry!! I was angered because I just bought this dress!" Luo Bing Bing apologized immediately as she was afraid of the punishment that she would receive if she didn't admit to her doings quickly.

"The three of you come to my office now!"

"Principal, I would like to apply for a leave of absence today. I will send her to the hospital." Mo Xi said as she helped up the girl, who was weakly aware of her surroundings.

"Mm. Quick! Go! I will inform her parents to go to the hospital."

Mo Xi then quickly brought the girl to the nearest hospital.

Mo Xi thought: Why am I going in and out of the hospital so frequently ever since I am back?

At Capital Qing Hua Hospital.

"She is slightly anemic, and she lost some blood." Mo Xi explained to the nurse the moment she reached the hospital.

"Are you her relative?" The nurse asked once she placed the girl on the bed in the room.

"No, I am her schoolmate. Her parents should be here soon."

"Excuse me! Is there a girl named Su An An here?!" A frail woman wearing a restaurant's uniform asked while she rushed into the hospital with a man that wore a white blouse and black long pants by her side.

"Where's An An?!" The man asked.

Mo Xi looked towards the girl's uniform and saw the name tag that wrote "Su An An".

"Are you all Su An An's mother and father?" Mo Xi asked.

"Yes! Where's An An?!"

"Yes! Is my An An here?!"

They said in unison. Mo Xi looked into their eyes to see if they were lying, then replied, "She is inside."

Hearing that Su An An was inside, the lady and the man went into the room swiftly.

"She is fine, just tired. Let her rest more, she will wake up when she has enough sleep." Mo Xi stopped the lady who was about to wake Su An An up to see if she was alright.

The lady looked at Mo Xi, then looked at Su An An and decided to listen to Mo Xi as Su An An's face had a look of tiredness.

"Were you the one who sent my daughter here?" The man asked.


"Thank you! What is your name?" The lady said while she cried out.

"No need to thank me, my name is Mo Xi."

"Do you know what happened?" The man asked sternly once again, however, one could still see the worries he had for Su An An in his eyes.

"She accidentally poured coffee onto another student's dress."

Mo Xi didn't want to explain further as she knew that they would understand what happened.

"How much does the dress cost?" The lady asked hurriedly.

"Don't worry, it was a fake dress. They are probably being punished by the Principal right now."

"Is that true? That's great!"

"Mm. She might need to stay in the hospital for a few days."

Upon hearing that, their faces turned into another look of worry.

"I will go see how much it is… If the proposal I submitted today passes, we should be able to afford the bills…" The man said to his wife while patting his wife's hands.

"Mm. If it is not enough, I will just take up another job." The woman said with a resolute voice.

Mo Xi observed the two people quietly while they were talking and hearing that the woman wanted to take up another job, Mo Xi picked up the woman's hand and felt her pulse.

The woman was shocked to see that Mo Xi held her hand suddenly and wanted to retract, but Mo Xi's grip was stronger, hence she couldn't. As Mo Xi expected, her pulse was extremely weak. It was a result of exhaustion and malnutrition probably from having too much work.

After a few moments, Mo Xi put down her hand and said, "You can't take up any more work. At this rate, you will die of exhaustion in a week."

"What?!" The man was shocked to hear that.

"What are you working as now? And, for how long?" Mo Xi asked the woman.

"I work as a waitress in a Chinese restaurant in the day and a cleaner in a hotel at night. I have been working there for two years. Previously, I work in the same company as him."

"What about you?" Mo Xi asked the man.

"I work at the public relation department in an entertainment company in the day and driver at night. I have been working in the company for five years."

Hearing that, Mo Xi picked up the man's hand to feel his pulse. The man's pulse was extremely weak as well. However, because he was a man, the effects weren't as visible as the woman.

"Education level?"

"We both graduated from Capital Media University."

Mo Xi was slightly stunned by that as the amount they should be earning for graduating from Capital Media University should be very high.

"How much do you all earn in a day for the jobs?"

The two of them were puzzled by Mo Xi's question but they answered instinctively because Mo Xi had an extremely cold aura around her.

"We earn about fifty dollars a day on average."

Hearing this, Mo Xi's face turned even colder. The amount the couple was earning was much lesser than the amount they should have obtained from the work they were doing.

"Quit your jobs."