
"Poker has not been active for five years, why did they suddenly become active again?"

"I am still looking into it, however, the only person I can think of would be Shen Yu Ning."

"I know the Xiao's and Shen's have been looking into me, however, how would they be able to hire the Poker?"

"There are only a few possible reasons. One, the Xiao's or the Shen's or both are involved with the Poker. Two, the Xiao's or Shen's or both are part of the Poker. Three, someone from the Xiao's or Shen's knows people from the Poker."

"Or it could be all of the above. Although Shen Yu Ning is most likely the person that wanted me dead, I don't think that she was the one that hired them. She may have evil thoughts of me, but her eyes told me that she isn't associated with such criminal group."

"That's what I think too. For now, we have to be more careful of our surroundings."

"I know. You too. I don't think that they would attack us for quite some time, they just lost ten of their people, they probably need a few months to recover from the damage. After all, the few that died are their fighters, bombers, healers, shooters and knife throwers.

"You know them very well?"

"Back then in Country Y, we met them by accident. While I was observing them, I heard one of them called the others Five of Spades, Five of Hearts, Queen of Diamonds and King of Clubs. It was quite funny because most of the time people wouldn't call their names when they are fighting. At first, I thought it was a trick, however, I looked into the eyes of the one that called them and realized that it really was their names and he called by accident. After we fought with them, I realized that their titles had meaning and we called them Poker ever since then."

"What do their titles mean?"

"Just like in Big 2, their skills rank from Spades, Hearts, Clubs to Diamonds. Blacks for men and red for women. Three is the lowest level however we haven't met Two before, we only met up to Ace. Hence, I am not sure what Two is like. Three is skilled in daggers. Four is skilled in daggers and fighting. Five is skilled in fighting. Six skilled in fighting and shooting at the same time. Seven skilled in guns, specifically long-distance. Eight is skilled in bombs and guns. Nine is skilled in bombs. I think Ten is one of their most important people. I suppose Ten is their healers, which also means they are skilled in poisons and needles. Jack is skilled in fighting and shooting. However, they are best at escape routes. Queen is skilled in fighting, guns, and poisons. King is skilled in fighting, guns, daggers, and bombs. Ace is skilled in fighting, guns, daggers, bombs, and poisons. Each Ten, Jack, Queen, King and Ace has a group of underlings."

"This means about twenty-four of them in the main group is left, excluding the underlings."

"You mean including those that you captured on the island?"

"Mm. From your description, I roughly guessed their positions."

"It was a good thing that they didn't wear any recording device except for locating devices if not our identities would have been exposed."

"How did you know?"

"Before I spoke, I checked my watch to see if they wore any devices."

"Is it the same watch you gave me on the first day we met again?"

"Mhmm. Thank you for coming to me…"

They sat there in silence for a long while before they went back to the tents.

Back at the tents.

"Su Fei, what are you going to do after you graduate from YY University? Continue studying or work?"

"I don't know yet…"

"Do you want to go back to Country X?"

"I do miss my parents, but I also want to be independent…"

Mo Xi looked into Bai Su Fei's eyes and said, "Go back then. Going back doesn't mean that you can't be independent, you can show your family that you are very independent now. You can decide whether you want to work in a hospital or be a private doctor or even further your studies even if you are back in Country X."

"Private doctor?"

"You work for a company instead of a hospital and your job is still treating patients but only for the patients in the company."

"I guess it would be better for me to go back then… I want to work in a hospital."

"Ok. Do you have any hospital in mind?"

"I heard Tang Xi Hospital is very capable even though it is a private hospital, so I was thinking of going there."

Mo Xi's eyes sparkled when she heard that, and she laughed inwardly.

"Ok. Good luck."

"Senior sister! Where are you working now?" Bai Su Fei asked curiously.

Bai Su Fei was Mo Xi's student, although they barely met each other face-to-face because Mo Xi had many other students. Mo Xi never asked for her students' name, so even though she recognized Bai Su Fei at the start, she didn't know her name. Hence, the only thing Bai Su Fei know about Mo Xi was that she was a professor for medicine in YY University. However, Mo Xi doesn't have face-to-face lessons all the time, so Bai Su Fei wondered what Mo Xi did usually.


It wasn't a lie though, Mo Xi would perform surgeries everywhere when she was needed. Furthermore, she was involved in different fields, so it was true that she worked everywhere.


"I work everywhere. You will know in the future."

Mo Xi knew that Bai Su Fei would know everything in the future because Bai Su Fei would probably become a specific someone's wife in the future. She knew it the moment she saw Bai Su Fei and that was the other reason why she wanted to bring Bai Su Fei back to Country X.

"Oh…Ok…" Bai Su Fei replied, thinking that Mo Xi doesn't have a stable job.