Seduce Another Woman

After breakfast.

Jing Mo Chen and Mo Xi sat on the living room's sofa.

"Little Xi!" Lu Jin Xiao exclaimed as he dashed in.

"How are you?! Are you hurting anywhere else?!"

"I am fine already," Mo Xi chuckled as she looked at Lu Jin Xiao who was so anxious.

Lu Jin Xiao continued to ask Mo Xi questions and after checking that Mo Xi was fine for the Nth time, he finally relaxed. Mo Xi reminded him not to tell his parents and to not worry about her before she asked him to go to work. Lu Jin Xiao left for work reluctantly as he didn't want to leave his dear sister alone when she was sick. However, thinking about what happened to Mo Xi, he became very fuelled to want to find out who was behind it and capture all the criminals, so he went to work immediately.

"Mo Chen, don't you need to work today?" Mo Xi asked when she noticed that it was already eight.

"I am worried about leaving you alone."

"Don't worry, if you are worried just put some people around me."

"I am still worried. Moreover, you are still injured, who is going to help you change your bandages?"

"Get a female to help me change? You shouldn't neglect your work because of me."

Jing Mo Chen laughed and said, "I thought that most female would ask their partner to not neglect them because of work? Why are you the opposite?"

"Because I am caring!" Mo Xi said as a matter of fact.

Jing Mo Chen laughed when he saw how cute Mo Xi looked like, "Why not you go to the company with me today?"

"Wouldn't it affect your work?"

"If I leave you alone, it would affect my work more." Jing Mo Chen said as he brushed his fingers across Mo Xi's nose.

Mo Xi giggled because of the ticklish sensation and said, "Alright, but could you get me a woman from group A? The woman with long black hair, slightly skinny. She was wearing a slightly different uniform compared to the others yesterday."

"Are you trying to seduce another woman?" Jing Mo Chen asked coldly.

"No! No! No! I am trying to help Alexander!"

"She is the one that you talked about?"

"Yeap, I want to know her better and if I see that she is the right one, then that means she is Alexander's destined girl."

"Alright, I will get her here. Don't you dare to seduce another woman."

"I won't!" Mo Xi waved her hands desperately.

"By the way, how would you know if she is the right one? What if you matchmake the wrong people?"

"My eyes. I can tell if people love one another and I could also tell if they match in every aspect. It is like one of my unique abilities, I am like a real matchmaker that can bring the best couple together. My matchmaking business is very good, none of them failed before."

"I didn't know my baby is so good," Jing Mo Chen said as he hugged Mo Xi.

Mo Xi's face turned red when he heard Jing Mo Chen called her baby.

"Let's go, you are already late, you can't be later…" Mo Xi said hurriedly as she tried to escape from Jing Mo Chen.

After Mo Xi disguised herself, they left for Jing's Corporation together.

Jing's Corporation.

"Good morning, Boss!"


"Good morning!"

Jing Mo Chen held Mo Xi's hand as he walked into the company while his workers greeted him.

After Jing Mo Chen and Mo Xi went into the private lift, the workers went crazy.

"OMG! Who is the girl beside big boss?!"

"Are we going to have a lady boss soon?"

"Even though she hid her face, I could still tell that she is a real beauty!"

"The way she walked and the aura around her, is extremely similar to big boss!"

"Awwww… I thought I would have the chance to become the lady boss…"

"HAHAHAHA! Continue dreaming!"

"I think you read too many fairy-tales. HAHAHAHA!"

"I just thought maybe big boss would be the destined one for me… I just want to find true love…"

"How do you know big boss is your true love?"

"He is the only one that makes my heart race…"

"HAHAHAHA! He makes every woman's heart race! Does this mean big boss is all of their true love?!"

"… Where's my true love…"

In Jing Mo Chen's office.

"Mo Chen, why do you not need to go to the military?"

"After my health turned bad, I only need to join when there are emergencies or extremely dangerous cases. The rest of the cases would be taken by the younger colonels. This is because they wanted me to rest more so that my health can recover faster. Furthermore, I am in the special forces, so our health were all given more attention to."

"So, you only take charge of more extreme cases?"

"Mhm. Although on the surface I have fully committed myself into Jing's Corporation, my brothers know that I am always ready to serve in the military. I only train during the weekends, that is why no one knows about it. Furthermore, not many people know about me being the colonel, so it is easier for me to juggle both sides."

Mo Xi's heart ached when she thought about how hard Jing Mo Chen had to work.

"I will work harder to become stronger. That way you wouldn't need to worry about me all the time."

"Ok, I will wait for you to become stronger. When that day comes, I can finally enjoy a good meal…" Jing Mo Chen said as he walked over to Mo Xi and pulled her into his arms.

Mo Xi's face went red immediately when she understood what Jing Mo Chen was trying to say.

"Go, go, go. Go do your work." Mo Xi said as she pushed Jing Mo Chen back to his desk.

"Give me a kiss and I will start working." Jing Mo Chen said as he leaned his cheeks close to Mo Xi's lips.

Mo Xi quickly kissed Jing Mo Chen's cheeks, however, when she was about to step back, Jing Mo Chen held her head and gave her a deep kiss.

After a few minutes, "Hey… Do you even want to work?" Mo Xi asked while she panted.

"Honestly, no. The only thing I want to do right now is to love you thoroughly…"

"We are in the office!" Mo Xi said anxiously.

"So, you mean if we are not in the office then we can?"

"No, no, no. We must wait until our health recovers."

"So, you mean once our health recovers, we can do it even in the office?" Jing Mo Chen asked dangerously.

"No!" Mo Xi really wanted to cry because of what Jing Mo Chen said.

Jing Mo Chen chuckled and bit Mo Xi's lips one last time before he went back to his desk.