Found One For You

When she asked Jing Mo Chen for cakes, she listed those eight flavors. Four flavors for herself and four flavors for Gu Ran Yi, and asked Jing Mo Chen to get her any one flavor for each of them. However, she didn't expect Jing Mo Chen to just send all eight up.

Gu Ran Yi nodded her head instantly and looked at Mo Xi in awe.

"How did you know that I like these?"

"I learned psychology before, so I can guess your preference easily."

"Waaa!" Gu Ran Yi looked at Mo Xi as though she was looking at an idol.

Mo Xi's thought: I'm done, Mo Chen's going to kill me for seducing another girl…

"Let's eat."

"Mm! Mm!"

They chatted while they ate.

"Why did you become part of group A?"

"I wanted to get away from the hands of my family…"

"Family-arranged marriage, right? You are from a wealthy family, right?"

"Mm… They wanted me to marry someone that I don't love because they wanted to make the family company rise… I was said to have natural talents in business, but if I were to do business, they would find me eventually… The only place I could escape to without letting them find me is group A… I was extremely glad that I have natural talents in fighting and such areas… If not, I would not have anywhere to hide…"

"There is no point in hiding, they are after all your family, you can't leave them forever. Rather than escaping, you should go back to face them straight."

"I don't know how to… You don't know how realistic the people around me are… The friends that I had in the past were all around me because of my status and money… I didn't have any true friends…"

"Yi Yi, you have me now. I will help you, don't worry."

"How are you going to help me?"

"I have rather good abilities in persuading and changing people's mindsets. If you want, you can come to my company," Mo Xi said as she sipped her Vanilla Latte.

"Your company?"

"Entertainment company. Since you are interested in business, why not join my company, that way you can show your family that you can succeed even without getting married. Don't worry about getting found out, no one can find you before you decide to reveal yourself."

"But it has been a while since I last touched business stuff. Furthermore, I don't think I am really talented in business."

"Whether you are talented or not, all we have to do is try and we would know. If you have decided to join me, just call me. I will give you a place to stay as well."

"Huh? You trust me just by talking with me for the first time today?" Gu Ran Yi asked in shock.

"Why not? Trust works both ways. Although there are other things that I won't tell you now, you can trust me that I won't harm you. You can spend some time to think about it before you answer me. Even if you don't join in the end, we are still friends."

"Ok… I will think about it."

"Eat more."

After Mo Xi and Gu Ran Yi finished their cakes, Mo Xi's phone rang.

"I found Wen Ting Ting's birth mother. Do you want to meet her?" Yan Chu asked.

"Mm, next week."

"Ok, I will send you the DNA comparison results."


"If you want to thank me, help me find a girlfriend or at least give me more leaves so that I can find a girlfriend."

"You get a month off each time we secure a big deal. In total, you have thirty days of leave excluding those you get when your deals are secured. Rather than saying that you need more leaves to get a girlfriend, you might as well say that you don't even want to find a girlfriend because I don't see you putting any effort into finding one.

"No! I did! I go out often to see if I can meet the right one!"

"That means no one likes you."

Yan Chu's heart bled when he heard that.

What kind of friend is this?!

"A true friend that cares for your happiness." Mo Xi answered the question that Yan Chu had in his mind but didn't say out.

"Then find one for me."

"I already found one for you."


Yan Chu was so shocked that he screamed into the phone that Mo Xi had to move the phone further away from her ear.

Gu Ran Yi laughed when she saw the look on Mo Xi's face.

"You will meet her when the time comes."

"Chey! I thought you meant it for real…" Yan Chu thought that Mo Xi was joking.

"Remember to send the items to Country Z, bye."

"Okays, bye!" Yan Chu said excitedly.

"I will bring you to a place later," Mo Xi told Gu Ran Yi after she hung up the call.

"You can look at how I do things and how I treat my people. If you feel that I am treating them too coldly and you don't want to join, it is fine."


Mo Xi texted Jing Mo Chen that she would be bringing Gu Ran Yi to Imperial Jade Palace for a while and asked him to not worry because it is very safe there.

Imperial Jade Palace.

"Boss Xi! You came!" Su An An and her parents greeted excitedly when they saw Mo Xi came into the study room.

Apart from the study room in the individual apartments, Imperial Jade Palace had a block of study rooms for the people to study and have lessons in. Music Rooms, Recording Studios, Dance Studios, Gym, and everything else was provided in separate blocks as well. There are Medical Rooms, restaurants, and supermarkets as well.

Mo Xi smiled and patted Su An An's head as she greeted Su Hong Shan and Wang Hui.

"I miss you so much! You didn't come here ever since you left the hospital that day…" Su An An said while sulking.

"Sorry. I was busy…" Mo Xi apologized while she pinched Su An An's cheeks

"How is the lesson going?" Mo Xi asked the teacher that oversaw their etiquette lessons.

"They have been doing very well."


The teacher left the room since she just finished the lessons.

"Have you all refreshed your memory on what you all learned in university?" Mo Xi asked Su Hong Shan and Wang Hui.


"There will be an exam in two months for the things you all have learned. Prepare well."


"Have you all been taking the medicines and resting enough?"

"Yes…" Su Hong Shan and Wang Hui replied hesitantly.