Handle The Training

"At first, I got interested in Wen Ting Ting because she broke my second brother's heart. I wanted to see how I could take revenge for my second brother, then I came across the truth behind Wen Ting Ting's birth and her family. Putting the revenge aside, I just wanted to help Wen Ting Ting find out who she really was. Although she did hurt my brother, it wasn't intentional. Furthermore, since I know the truth, I ought to do something to bring out the truth."

Mo Xi casually ignored Lin Lu's last question.

Mo Xi then continued to talk to Lin Lu and taught her what she should do.

After finishing, Mo Xi then remembered that Lin Lu was a famous artist, so she decided to pull in another talented individual to her company.

"I know you don't belong to any company or agency. If you are interested, you can join my company."

"I… I will think about it." Lin Lu was still recovering from the shock of how Mo Xi, such a young lady, managed to find out so much stuff, build a company and even helped her.

Lin Lu left Blue Diamond Entertainment in a blur, her mind in an absolute mess.

Jing Corporation.


"Boss, I heard about your encounter with the criminals in Country Z, are you sure they are the one that we have been investigating?" Jing Mo Chen's buddy, Ji Zheng Yang, asked.

"Mm. There were two of them that recognized me as well."


Ji Zheng Yang remained silent as he knew how dangerous it was to fight against Poker.

"I think it is time for you to come back. We need you to train us because you are the only one that had fought with them recently. You would know their attacks best."

"Mm. I will go back to the military from this weekend onwards. I will be bringing someone there as well."

"Ok. Wait! Is it your wife? We haven't seen sister-in-law yet, aren't you going to show us your wife?" Ji Zheng Yang asked excitedly.

"No. It's one of my family members."

Jing Mo Chen didn't want the others to know how Mo Xi looked like, and Mo Xi didn't want to let others know about her training, so they decided to let Mo Xi disguise herself as a man.

"Ok. We are all waiting for you to come back."

Jing Mo Chen hung up the call and stared at the city through the glass windows in his office.

Jing Mo Chen remained silent long after the call ended. It wasn't that he was afraid of death or what, because he knew that being in the military means that you are always at risk of losing your life. Hence, he agreed on going back to the military at once when he heard that they needed him. However, he still felt very sad and worried because he and Mo Xi was going to have their wedding soon and now, he might not be able to.

Jing Mansion.

"Little Xi, I will be going back to the military this weekend," Jing Mo Chen said as he hugged Mo Xi from behind when he came into the room.

"Why?!" Mo Xi was very shocked as it had been a while since Jing Mo Chen officially went back to the military.

"After what happened that day, the whole military has been on high alert as they were afraid of what Poker would do. So, I will be going back to command and train them, since I was the only one who had fought with them again."

Mo Xi understood what Jing Mo Chen was saying, but she still didn't want Jing Mo Chen to put himself in danger. However, she would not stop him because she was involved in this war as well. She would do whatever it takes to support them, and she would join in this war to bring Poker down. Moreover, it was true that the military needed someone like Jing Mo Chen to train and command them. They needed someone who had more experience with Poker to train them and not someone who just had more experience in war.

"Ok. I will support you no matter what decisions you make!" Mo Xi said as she tiptoed and kissed Jing Mo Chen's lips deeply.


"Boss!" A familiar muscular and tanned man ran towards Jing Mo Chen and gave him manly hug.

"Boss! You came!"

"Boss! It's been long since we last saw each other!"

Two other familiar men ran here and hugged Jing Mo Chen.

Mo Xi stood beside Jing Mo Chen as she looked at them. It was evident that they had deep friendships that came from fighting side by side. She had seen them five years ago and remembered how they had fought side by side.

Jing Mo Chen gave them manly hugs and their eyes flew to Mo Xi.

"Boss, this is the family member you were talking about?" Ji Zheng Yang asked as he looked at Mo Xi.


"He is going to join the military as well?"

"No, he is only here to train."

"He sure does need some training," Qin Feng said as he looked at Mo Xi judgingly.

Mo Xi wore a wig and used a cloth to wrap her chest to make it flatter. However, despite the man's look that she had because of some makeup, her body was still frail compared to a man. Hence, Qin Feng had thought that Mo Xi was a very weak man.

"Aye, don't worry. After you train with us, you would be as strong as us in no time." Zhan Bo Cheng said as he patted Mo Xi's shoulders.

"Are you sure he can handle the training?" Ji Zheng Yang asked worriedly.

"Don't worry! I can handle them all!" Mo Xi switched her voice to a man's one when she said.

Ji Zheng Yang, Qin Feng and Zhan Bo Cheng looked at the weak-looking man in front of them skeptically.

"He can. So, you three help to train him while I train the others," Jing Mo Chen said to the three of them calmly and firmly.

Jing Mo Chen knew that training over here is like a piece of cake for Mo Xi, and Mo Xi could even help the three of them improve their skills. That was why he tasked the three men to 'train' Mo Xi.

Hearing that, the three men didn't reject. Although they were still skeptical about the frail man in front of them, they trusted whatever Jing Mo Chen said.

"I will go train the others, you train with them. Be careful not to overtax yourself, you just recovered…" Jing Mo Chen spoke to Mo Xi gently and left.