I Was Wrong!

After they left the hospital.

They took the same cab together. Lu Jin Sheng alighted first, while Jing Bo Chuan and Mo Xi stayed in the cab to Jing Mansion.

In the cab.

"Xi, I'm sorry…" Jing Bo Chuan suddenly apologized to Mo Xi.

"Huh? Why are you apologizing to me?" Mo Xi was confused so she asked instinctively.


Mo Xi then looked into Jing Bo Chuan's eyes and she knew she was going to be dead.

Jing Mansion.

When Mo Xi and Jing Bo Chuan reached Jing Mansion, Jing Bo Chuan quickly went into his bedroom.

Mo Xi looked at Jing Bo Chuan's retreating figure and took a deep breath before she walked upstairs into Jing Mo Chen's bedroom.

"You've got a nerve."

Jing Mo Chen's voice sounded the moment Mo Xi closed the bedroom door.

When she turned around again, Jing Mo Chen was already in front of her. He inched forward making her stepped back till her back was against the door. He then placed both of his hands on the door circling her.

"Going to White Wolf Casino alone?"

"Saving Huo Qi Gang alone?"

"Fighting almost ten men alone?"

"Telling Bo Chuan and Jin Sheng not to call me or Jin Xiao?"

Jing Mo Chen listed out the things that she did wrong, and Mo Xi's heart skipped a beat when she looked at Jing Mo Chen's charming face.

"Still dare to zone out?"

After a few seconds, Mo Xi then realized that she zoned out for a moment because of his face.

She then quickly got herself back and apologize immediately.

"Sorry! I will never do it again!"


"I promise! I only did it because I knew I could handle it! Please forgive me!"

"… I believe this isn't the first time you put yourself in danger."


"Not only did you put yourself in danger, you even went to rescue another man."


"I'm sorry!" Mo Xi hugged Jing Mo Chen tightly as she apologized.


"Mo Chen, what do I need to do for you to forgive me?"


Mo Xi then thought for a moment and pulled Jing Mo Chen down and kissed him. Jing Mo Chen was still angry, so he kissed her punishingly and fiercely.

After a long while, "Husband! I know I was wrong! Please forgive me! I will never put myself in danger and I will never go rescue other men alone again!"

Mo Xi gave him another peck on the lips as a comfort.

Jing Mo Chen then pulled her in for another fierce kiss, "If you dare to do such things again, I will have to punish you harder."

"You know, I was zoning out because of your beauty just now."

Hearing that, Jing Mo Chen kissed her deeply again.

After a long while later, Mo Xi's phone rang. Lu Qing Min called her to remind her to go back to Lu House to stay the next few days since she would be getting married soon.

Jing Mo Chen was rather unhappy that Lu Qing Min said that he cannot follow and that they cannot see each other for the next few days, but to marry Mo Xi, he was willing to wait for this short but painful few days.

Despite Mo Xi's protest, Jing Mo Chen still sent people to follow Mo Xi wherever she went because he doesn't want her to be in danger.

Although Mo Xi felt that it was very weird because she could sense it when people follow her, she still followed obediently.

Lu House.

"Little Xi! Jin Sheng said that you went to White Wolf Casino alone?!" Lu Jin Xiao said angrily and worriedly the moment Mo Xi stepped into Lu house.

!!!! Why did they tell them?! Didn't they promise me that they won't?! T_T

"… Haha… Haha…" Mo Xi laughed awkwardly.

"You still dare to laugh?!" Lu Qing Min joined in.

"I was wrong!" Mo Xi apologized once again.

"From today onwards, when you go out, bring along some people to protect you," Lu Jin Xiao said.

"Mo Chen just sent people to follow me wherever I go…" Mo Xi said as she pointed outside to where the people were.

"Good. If you still dare to do such things without thinking of your own safety in the future, I would ask all the policemen in this country to follow you wherever you are."


"Why? Is it you still want to put yourself in danger?"

"NoNoNoNo! I will be a good girl!" Mo Xi said firmly.

Mo Xi was then made to stay at Lu house for the next few days until her wedding.

"Little Xi, you will be getting married in three days… Mommy can't bear the thought of you getting married so quickly…" Ye Juan An said with tears in her eyes.

Mo Xi's heart shrank when she heard that, her eyes also turned red, "Mom, it's not like I won't ever return home. Furthermore, Mo Chen and I have already registered our marriage, so I am married long ago."

"Mommy knows, but I still can't bear the thought of you leaving…"

Mo Xi didn't reply anything, she just went to hug Ye Juan An tightly. Lu Qing Min, Lu Jin Sheng, and Lu Jin Xiao joined in to hug them.

Time flew by very quickly over the next few days as they were busy preparing for the wedding dinner.

Saturday, 3 p.m. at M & M Hotel.

"Mom, Mo Ling, I am very nervous right now… What if I fall while walking on the red carpet later?" Mo Xi asked Ye Juan An and Jing Mo Ling nervously.

Although Jing Mo Ling belonged to the groom's side, she wanted to join the bride's side.

Mo Xi had never been this nervous, not even when she had to do major surgeries or when she was facing Poker. Her hands were slightly shaking, and her palms were filled with sweat.

"My dear sister, I think you really might fall while walking on the red carpet later," Lu Jin Xiao laughed.

"You this brat! Why are you scaring her?!" Ye Juan An scolded Lu Jin Xiao.

Jing Mo Ling rolled her eyes at Lu Jin Xiao and comforted Mo Xi, "Sister Mo Xi, don't believe him. You will be alright!"

The makeup artists that Jing Mo Chen hired had come and started to style Mo Xi's hair and put makeup on her.