
"Pick some photos and upload them on our official website."

"It's so hard to choose! All of it looks so good!!" The photographer said as he appreciated every photo that he took.

"You all want to look at the results of your photoshoot?" Mo Xi asked Rui Han and the others.

They nodded and went forward to look at the screen.

Their eyes were wide open when they saw how glamorous they looked when they were confident.

"Happy with the results?" Mo Xi asked.

They nodded their heads again as they gleamed.

Days passed by very quickly and the day of their concert came.

Capital Indoor Stadium.

The huge stadium was filled with fifty thousand people. Most of them were anti-fans and some were fans that joined after the release of their photoshoots.

The front VIP seats were filled by several foreigners, sponsors, and artists of Blue Diamond Entertainment, as well as loyal fans of 'Heartbeat'.
