Who Exactly Are You

By the time Mo Xi and the others reached Tang Xi hospital, Bai Lang Yu had already lost consciousness and some of Bai Lang Yu's men were also about to lose consciousness.

Mo Xi and Tang Shao Chen immediately went into the operation room to do the surgery for Bai Lang Yu while other doctors did the surgeries for Bai Lang Yu's men.

Jing Mo Chen, Group A, and Team X waited outside the operation room patiently and with slight worries as well because they are the lives of good people afterall. Furthermore, they are people that Mo Xi considered as important.

After Mo Xi finished Bai Lang Yu's surgery, she came out feeling drained and tired.

Jing Mo Chen went forward and pulled her into his arms. Once in Jing Mo Chen's arms, Mo Xi fell asleep.

Tang Shao Chen then told Jing Mo Chen to bring Mo Xi to the director's office to rest as Tang Shao Chen and Mo Xi each have one bedroom even though their working office is shared.