All Your fault

Blue Diamond Entertainment's dining area.

Mo Xi noticed that Jackson and Yu Jia Hui came later than usual today, and when she saw them, she smiled.

Yu Jia Hui and Jackson sat down with Mo Xi and the others after taking their food.

"Although I don't forbid office love, do concentrate on your work during office hours. Kissing once in a while during office hours is fine, but please watch your surroundings," Mo Xi teased.

Yu Jia Hui choked on her water because she didn't expect that Mo Xi was so sharp and direct, while Jackson just smiled and patted her back innocently.

The rest of them just looked at Yu Jia Hui and Jackson. Some of them had their eyes wide in shock while others teased the two.

Two weeks later. XX High School.

"AHHH!" The students and the teacher who was teaching in the class shouted suddenly.

Huang Ya Wen dashed into the classroom with a knife, "It is all your fault! It is all your fault that my father is in jail!"