Second Chance

Imperial Jade Palace.

Mo Xi went to Imperial Jade Palace after she had her lunch with Jing Mo Chen, while Jing Mo Chen went back to his office.

"How are the hypnotherapy sessions going?" Mo Xi asked Lin Lu.

Lin Lu has been accompanying Wen Ting Ting whenever she had hypnotherapy sessions to bring back her memory, so she knew how Wen Ting Ting was doing.

"She is doing very well. The doctors said that today should be the last session needed for her to get back all her memories," Lin Lu answered with a smile and tears filled eyes.

"Are the Wens still coming after you?"

Lin Lu let out an annoyed sigh upon the mention of the Wens.

"They are…"

Mo Xi went quiet for a moment as she thought of how to deal with the Wens.