
Next was a voice recording of Mo Xiu Lan, Ma Shi Ying, and Liao Ming Hu about Mo Yu Ye. Mo Xiu Lan agreed to bring up Mo Yu Ye as her child because she loved Liao Ming Hu, her only request was that Ma Shi Ying could not come into the family!

Next was a voice recording of Ma Shi Ying and Liao Ming Hu's plans to kill Mo Xiu Lan and get the company inheritance!

Ma Shi Ying, Liao Ming Hu, and Mo Yu Ye were all shocked by what Mo Yu Ze showed to the reporters that they couldn't even react in time. They never expected that Mo Yu Ze would have such things on his hands!

The reporters were all stunned by the things that Mo Yu Ze showed them.

"How could such people exist?!"

"Poor late Mrs. Mo…"

"Luckily, Mr. Mo Yu Ze brought such things up. If not, we would never know about such things!!"

"CEO Liao, don't you feel guilty at all for doing all those things?"

"Mrs. Liao, do you have shame?"