
"The Xiao family?" Yang Shu Ling said in surprise.

"Yes. Apart from Xiao Lan Xi and Xiao Lan Yu, does Xiao Rong Yao and Song Qiao have another child?" Jing Mo Chen asked.

Jing Cang and Yang Shu Ling looked at Jing Mo Chen and Mo Xi in surprise because they didn't expect that they would know about this secret.

"How did the two of you know? What happened?" Jing Cang asked.

"Actually, we are guessing that I am the daughter of Lu Qing Shi and Xiao Lan Xi," Mo Xi said.

"What?!" Jing Cang and Yang Shu Ling were both stunned.

"It is not easy to get a twin without a twins gene, so we were guessing that Xiao Lan Xi might have a twin." Jing Mo Chen added.

"Why do you all think that Lu Qing Shi and Xiao Lan Xi are little Xi's mother and father?" Yang Shu Ling asked.