
Shen Nan Kun's mind almost exploded when he heard Mo Xi's words.

"That's true, but I am only interested in political and business matters," Shen Nan Kun replied calmly.

Jing Mo Chen smiled mysteriously, and Shen Nan Kun had no idea what Jing Mo Chen was thinking of.

"Uncle Shen, your second daughter, doesn't look like you," Jing Mo Chen said.

Fear filled Shen Nan Kun's eyes when he heard Jing Mo Chen's words, and Shen Feng Xing also looked at Jing Mo Chen immediately.

"I think she takes after her mother more, but everyone is an individual, so sometimes we just don't look alike even if we are related by blood."

"Really? I think you are very protective of your second daughter because I couldn't even get close."

Shen Feng Xing became worried when he heard that Jing Mo Chen wanted to get close to Shen Yu Rou.