
One week later. Outside of Capital Shopping Mall.

Stage platform was placed right outside the shopping mall, and many tables were set up. The items that Blue Diamond Entertainment and Rise prepared were all placed neatly on the tables and racks.

Blue Diamond Entertainment's artists and workers stood on the stage and around the area.

"Chang Mu, I remember that you tried to draw a tiger on the recycle bag, right? How did it go?" Chen Chu Yao asked Fu Chang Mu.

"It turned out alright, I guess?" Fu Chang Mu answered hesitantly.

"Don't believe him. We all thought that he drew a pig, and we even complimented him that his pig looks cute," Lai Qing Xin teased.

"At least I gave it my best shot… I used to fail art lessons in middle school. So, I believe that the work I created this time should be by far my best pieces of work." Fu Chang Mu answered honestly.

"Me too," Bai Chang Mu agreed.