Royal Family

"What is the company's name?"

"Heinrich Corporation."

"What do they do?"

"They are rather mysterious, and they seemed to have a tremendous influence and support from Country Y."

"Are you all facing the same thing?" Mo Xi asked London and France.

"No. Everything is the same on our side."

Mo Xi pondered about what was going on when France suddenly spoke again, "Recently, there was news that the royal family in our country are still alive and they are trying to rise again."

"Royal family?"

"Mm. We used to be ruled by the royalties just like Country N. However, one day. The royal family went down because the queen and king were killed."

"What about their child?"

"According to the then Queen and King, their child died a long time ago."

"Then how are the royalties still alive?"

"We are not very sure, either. However, I suppose Heinrich Corporation has support from the royalties."