
"This is the last time the three of us address you as Boss. If you still care for your parents, you should listen to us and divorce her and marry someone that is good to you like Hui Ya," Qin Feng said again.

Jing Mo Chen punched them once more and left to find Mo Xi.

Jing Mo Chen didn't tell anyone else about Mo Xi's return as he didn't want to worry them about Mo Xi's condition.

"Little Xi, what happened that day?" Jing Mo Chena asked when he entered the wardroom.

Mo Xi cried, and her body shook terribly when she heard Jing Mo Chen's question.

"I… I jumped out of the window with Zhen Ying, and I fell into the ocean. When I woke up, I found myself on the island…"

Jing Mo Chen sighed and went forward to make 'Mo Xi' lie on the bed and covered her with the blanket.

"You should have some rest. I will go prepare some food for you."

"Don't leave!"'Mo Xi' grabbed onto Jing Mo Chen's hands.