I Will Be Good

Usually, when Jing Mo Chen fed Mo Xi, he would blow on the food and test it to make sure that it was warm and not too cold or hot before he fed her.

However, because Jing Mo Chen didn't want to feed Shen Yu Ning, he only blew on the porridge once before feeding it to her.

"Ah!" Shen Yu Ning screamed as the burning hot porridge scalded her tongue.

Jing Mo Chen acted a look of worried and concerned as he quickly placed the bowl down.

"Little Xi, are you alright? I am sorry. I think I should get the nurse to feed you instead. They are more experienced with feeding people," Jing Mo Chen said and quickly went out to get the nurse without waiting for Shen Yu Ning's reply.

A nurse came in swiftly, and as Jing Mo Chen was looking at Shen Yu Ning, Shen Yu Ning couldn't flare up and had to let the nurse finish feeding her.

After Shen Yu Ning finished eating, she then asked Jing Mo Chen when she could go back home.