She Would Be Back

"If that's what you consider to be the best, then please sell away your shares now and leave," Jing Mo Ling added with a tinge of anger.

"CEO Jing brought our company from something small to something so grand today, and now you guys can't even give him the least amount of trust that he deserves? If that's the case, please leave. Jing Corporation doesn't want any cowards or traitors," Jing Mo Ling added in anger.

"Fine! I will sell the shares away! You should be lucky that E's Corporation wants to buy Jing Corporation's stocks. If not, with the situation of the company right now, no one would buy the stocks, and not even you guys can afford it!" The shareholder growled.

Upon hearing that, Jing Mo Chen, Jing Mo Ling, and Jing Bo Chuan looked at each other instinctively.

"Anyone else would like to sell your shares away. Please feel free to tell us now so that we can exclude you from the next meeting without any hassle," Jing Bo Chuan asked.