
Just when Jing Mo Chen wanted to carry them up, Jing Mo Ling and Jing Bo Chuan came in.

"Second Brother, how could you not tell us that you were going to look at the babies? Sister Mo Xi said that you came to look at the babies," Jing Mo Ling pouted as she wanted to look at the babies for a long time!

"You are little Xing, and you are little Xi. Nice to meet you two. I am your cousin!" Jing Bo Chuan said while he looked at two babies full of excitement.

"Hi! Little Xi. Little Xing. I am your aunt!" Jing Mo Ling exclaimed.

The two then each chose one baby and carried them gently.

Jing Chen Xi and Jing Mo Xing fell asleep again in their arms.

Jing Mo Chen's face was a little gloomy as he hadn't had the chance of carrying the two babies.

Jing Bo Chuan and Jing Mo Ling were still very excited and very amused by the babies that they couldn't bear to put down the babies.

After some time, Mo Xi came in to call them to eat.