Lady Boss Got Injured

However, unlike Xue Yue and Valerie, Vincent and Tyler worked under Jing Mo Chen and not Mo Xi. Although they were to follow Mo Xi's orders as well, Jing Mo Chen was their ultimate boss.

"Boss..." Vincent and Tyler mumbled.

Jing Mo Chen looked at the two men with a deadly glare, and the two immediately felt that if they didn't tell the truth, they would be dead.

Vincent and Tyler shook their heads desperately as though trying to say that they cannot tell Jing Mo Chen what he wanted to know.

However, Jing Mo Chen only had to look at them once more before they closed their eyes tightly as though they were going to enter a war.

"Lady Boss got injured..."

Vincent said at once because he was afraid that he would regret it if he hesitated any second.

The moment that Vincent and Tyler's words were heard, everyone in the room looked at them.