
Yan Chu then hung up his phone and stood up again to look for the bathroom.

Cheng Yu and Feng Ning, who were following behind Yan Chu earlier on, were surprised when Yan Chu stood up again to leave when they just entered the room.

Cheng Yu and Feng Ning turned around to follow Yan Chu out, "Boss, where are you going?"

However, Yan Chu stopped them.

"I need to go to the washroom."

Yan Chu left without hearing what Cheng Yu and Feng Ning were saying.

"Boss! There is a washroom here." Cheng Yu spoke again.

However, Yan Chu didn't hear what Cheng Yu said as his mind wasn't here, and the door closed on them.

Cheng Yu and Feng Ning looked at the closed door before they looked at each other.

"Where's Boss going? Isn't there a washroom in this room?" Cheng Yu asked Feng Ning as he pointed to the toilet.

"How would I know?" Feng Ning shrugged his shoulders.

"What do you know?"