Xiao Corporation

"That's true. So, what should we do? Also, are you going to hire Feng Xing openly?"

"No. We have to get him to join us secretly. Meaning to say, we have to make it look like he is still jobless on the surface. However, on our side, he is actually working with us. That's the only way to keep him and Blue Diamond Entertainment safe."

"Why not I get him to join Jing Corporation?" Jing Mo Chen suggested.

"You are already stuck in the middle because of the shareholders of Jing Corporation and Heinrich Corporation. If Feng Xing joins Jing Corporation, you wouldn't hear the end of the shareholders. More importantly, because Blue Diamond Entertainment has the protection of the name Sapphire, Feng Xing and Blue Diamond Entertainment would be safe to a greater extent than any other place. Shen Nan Kun seemed to be rather agitated and yet afraid of the name Sapphire, and I think it has something to do with Sapphire Corporation, which belongs to my mother."