Playing With Fire?

Valerie stood up and stretched her body while she yawned.

Valerie's shirt moved up a little while she stretched herself and the direction that she was facing only Vincent could see it.

When Vincent saw Valerie's bare stomach, his face turned red and he shifted his gaze to other places.

Valerie, Xue Yue, Vincent, and Tyler went back to their rooms to sleep, leaving Jing Mo Chen and Mo Xi in the living room.

"Do you want to stay here for the night? It's late already. They probably wouldn't show up at Jing Mansion today at this time since you met Ru Hui Ya at the hospital today. Moreover, even if they do show up at this time, they can't get in with our security system."

Mo Xi 

"Mm. I want to stay with you tonight."

Jing Mo Chen immediately carried Mo Xi into her bedroom, which was now their bedroom.

Mo Xi hooked her arms around Jing Mo Chen's neck and planted a kiss on his throat.