
"Then, don't you feel very stressed to be stuck in the middle because even though you are a member of Blue Diamond Entertainment, you are still Designer Ning's fiancée, and you still represent Ning's Fashion. It sounds like a tough position to be in because you would be torn between following your emotions and your work."

"Not really, the people in Blue Diamond Entertainment has been very understanding to me, and Sapphire has also been encouraging me. Hence, I only need to concentrate on modeling for now."

"Between Designer Ning and Mr. Lu, who do you believe would win the competition?"

"As Ning Hua's fiancée, I would choose to support Ning Hua. However, as a professional model, I would support Jin Sheng."

"So, can I imply that you believe Mr. Lu is more capable than Designer Ning?"

"I wouldn't say more capable, but I would say that Jin Sheng has greater potentials because he is really much more talented than Ning Hua."