Shed Tears

Xia Xing Ze's requests were all written on the contract, and the agreement stating the transfer of shares was also attached to the next page.

Hu Dan Dan looked at the contracts in shock and tears.

Hu Dan Dan's heart was in pain because she never imagined that Xia Xing Ze had done so much for her.

Hu Dan Dan continued to cry, and Mo Xi waited for her to calm down again before she spoke.

"Although he seemed to have let you go so easily, you never left his heart. He couldn't bear the thought of not having you for the rest of his life after trying very hard to let you go. That was why he resorted to doing something so foolish. He thought that since you loved Mo Yu Ye and his way of treating you, then he would follow it, and that way, you would like him. It sounds ridiculous, but that's what love can do to someone. It could make people irrational and think illogically at times.