
Once everyone was done explaining whatever that had happened, they remain quiet and waited for Mo Xi to talk or reprimand them.

However, the scoldings that they expected did not come. Instead, a soft chuckle was heard.

"Next time, if you guys want to do such things again, please tell me beforehand."

Mo Xi then continued to talk but with a slightly more serious expression.

"Do you all know how shocked I was when I heard about this matter while I was overseas? I thought that all of you changed so drastically in the short period that I was away, and I thought I had to do something about you guys. I almost thought that I had to lose so many wonderful people at once. If you guys hadn't been really caring and helpful people, I wouldn't have doubted that you guys had changed."

One of the actresses then asked in shock, "Boss, you mean that you knew we were acting all along? Like since the start?!"