Very Cute

Meanwhile, Su An An looked at Wen Ting Ting again while because she felt that Wen Ting Ting looked very cute with those puffy eyes. While she was looking, a thought suddenly flashed across her mind, and she immediately spoke her thoughts out.

"You know, you actually look very cute this way. Since Jin Sheng's concept for you and Lin Lu is a long lost mother-daughter pair, then your puffy eyes might just work. You see, you missed your mother, and when you finally found your mother, you would obviously cry, so I think this might work better than the original idea. We don't even have to do anything to your eyes. Or, maybe just add a bit of highlight to make your eyes look even more attractive. Your puffy eyes would add more emotion to the overall look, and the audience would be able to feel those emotions that we want to convey."

Lu Jin Sheng and the others nodded when they heard Su An An's words.

"I think that would work."