Something Special

Donovan tried his best to give a friendly smile to Yan Chu while he answered, "I do have food."

However, Donovan's smile looked very awkward and crooked as his only soft side would be towards Mo Xi. He still tried to smile at Yan Chu because he knew that Yan Chu was Mo Xi's friend.

Hearing Donovan's reply and crooked smile, Yan Chu bit the bottom of his lip as he tried to suppress his annoyance and anger.

"You just said that you don't have food for me."

Donovan smiled again, "That's right. I don't have food for you, but I didn't say that I don't have food. Also, I didn't say that I don't have food for her."

"And why is that so? What is the difference?"

Yan Chu spoke in a harsh tone.

"That's because I have a sandwich and juice for her. However, I don't have any for you."

"Then you can give it to me. Since she doesn't want it, you can give it to me."