King And Queen

Yan Chu slightly pouted his lips, but he soon relaxed when he remembered that they were in the middle of a competition.

"I will forgive you for now."

"Did I ask you for your forgiveness?" Mo XI chuckled.

"Well, you should be."



"Alright. Please forgive me for making you worried and be called an impolite pervert."

Yan Chu felt much better after hearing Mo Xi's words, and he couldn't help but smile, "You are forgiven."

"Are you going to continue to act like that in front of your girlfriend?"

"I just said that she isn't my girlfriend! She will never be!"

"For your information, I just said your girlfriend. I did not say who that person is, and neither did I say that the person is here already. It could be someone that appears in the future. You are the one that subconsciously thinks that the person is An An."