Funniest Joke

Luo Bing Bing opened her mouth as she was about to continue with her complaints, but she couldn't as she was interrupted by someone.

That someone was Mo Xi.

Mo Xi laughed as though she heard the funniest joke in the whole world.

When the judges heard Mo Xi's laughter, they too wanted to laugh because they knew how ridiculous Luo Bing Bing sounded. However, they still tried to maintain their posture and not laugh to prevent Luo Bing Bing from suffering further humiliation. Yet, Mo Xi laughed without a care in the world, and that almost broke their composure as the laughter that they had tried so hard to resist was about to come out.

A few judges coughed awkwardly as they tried to suppress the laughter and looked more serious while others bit on the bottom of their lip to prevent any sound from coming out.

Mo Xi then coughed and looked at Luo Bing Bing, "What do you have that she doesn't?"
