Shameless Copycat

The assistants returned with the laptop at hand, and they quickly passed it to Wen Ting Ting to let her unlock the laptop and retrieve the files.

Meanwhile, the recordings had started to play, and everyone could hear their conversation.

The reporters took this chance to take videos of what was going on, and capture in the recordings as well.

The netizens that were watching the competition from the live streaming also saw whatever that had happened, and they were all dumbfounded.

Some people quickly spread the news to their peers, and the live streaming sites exploded with viewers trying to see what was happening at the competition.

Wen Ting Ting then pulled out the scanned copies of Lu Jin Sheng's works before they placed the laptop in front of the judges.

"No! Stop! Don't!"

"Wen Ting Ting! How dare you betray me!"

Ning Hua exclaimed and tried to dash forward, but the guards were holding him back.