
Mo Xi didn't know whether she should be laughing or crying when she read the book. Tears welled up in her eyes, and some tears had started to stream down her face, but she wanted to laugh when she read his words as well.

"Dummy… Why do you love me so much…"

Mo Xi quickly wiped off those tears because she was worried that it would dirty the book, and she didn't want to ruin it in the least bit. It was too precious to be dirtied a single bit. However, the more she wiped off those tears, the more she cried.

Mo Xi quickly and gently went back into the master bedroom to put back the book, and she looked at Jing Mo Chen, Jing Mo Xing, and Jing Chen Xi dearly once again. She gently kissed Jing Mo Xing and Jing Chen Xi's palms before she left. She didn't stay inside for long because she feared that she would wake them up. So, she quickly gathered her clothes and went to the other bathroom in the hotel room.