Two Little Angels

Jing Mo Chen's eyes narrowed as he looked at Jing Chen Xi because it was as though Jing Chen Xi wasn't going to forgive his father so easily and so he refused to let him feed him.

After a few moments, Jing Mo Chen sighed, "Your mommy would be so sad if you don't drink the milk."

Jing Chen Xi stopped squirming, but he still refused to open his mouth.

"I will beat your ass if you make your mommy worried for you."

Jing Chen Xi still refused to open his mouth, and he stared at Jing Mo Chen with tears filled eyes.

Jing Mo Chen sighed again, "Please forgive Daddy. Daddy promise that I will be here more often and quickly finish up the things that we have to do."

Jing Chen Xi opened his mouth to drink the milk at the instant the word 'please' came out of Jing Mo Chen's mouth.

Jing Mo Chen sighed and laughed at the same time while he continued to feed Jing Chen Xi.