Capricious Impolite Pervert

Mo Xi turned to face Wen Ting Ting and smiled brightly as she touched her head, "You were very brave just now! Tomorrow would probably be a long day as well. However, once you pull through this, then everything would be fine."

"Mm! I know!" Wen Ting Ting nodded her head firmly with confidence.

Wen Ting Ting actually felt pleased, although she had a lot that she needed to face because of the confession. That's because she never felt so light before. It was as though she had lifted a burden from her heart and mind. That was why she was much more confident than before, even though her secrets had been exposed.

Wen Ting Ting and the others then crowded together as they talked.

Mo Xi then rested the side of her head against Jing Mo Chen's chest as she closed her eyes while she enjoyed the feeling of being around people that she knew once again. Meanwhile, he placed his hands on her head and waist before kissing her forehead.