Fooling Around

Meanwhile, at Luo Finance Company.

"Dammit! What the hell are they doing?! Don't they know that our companies are linked in a sense?! How could they do such things without informing us?! I invested so much in their companies, and now that Bing Bing represented them in the competition, we are even more closely related than before! How could they do all these things and cause a huge mess for me?!" Luo Wu Han exclaimed angrily through the phone as he conversed with his wife, Xian Nuan.

Luo Finance Company and Starlight Entertainment were at the top of the news today as well because of what happened during the competition yesterday. The news about them was all negative, and they mainly targetted how the two companies were once again involved in indecent acts. That resulted in their companies' reputation to drop drastically, and the shareholders demanded an explanation and plans for restoring the companies' reputations.