Strongest Support

"There is no use getting angry now, right? The only thing we can do is try to minimize the losses that we would be incurring. Things had happened, so we have to move forward. Besides, you don't have to care about Luo Wu Han. He is blaming you just to make himself feel better. He didn't take care of Bing Bing when he said that he would. So, it's not your fault. Also, how could you know that Rise and Ning's Fashion would have such a connection? None of us expected that Ning Hua had stolen Lu Jin Sheng's works to become famous. Not even the supporters of Rise had imagined that. So you don't have to blame yourself..."

The only thing that Fan Hui wanted to do was to protect Xian Nuan and be her strongest support.

"I know… But I just can't seem to let go… I feel so conflicted and tired... I am tired of all these things..."