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Su An An then looked at Luo Bing Bing for a moment before she spoke, "Do you want to join us?"

Luo Bing Bing's eyes instantly widen in surprise, but it was only for a brief moment. She scoffed the next second, "What makes you think that I would be accepted into Blue Diamond Entertainment after everything that had happened. I am like Ning Hua or maybe even worse than him. There is no way that your boss would want me to be in Blue Diamond Entertainment. Your boss probably only wants me to be in jail for almost ruining the competition yesterday. I almost ruined all your hard work and Jin Sheng's work when I went up onto the stage to pretend to be framed for whatever that had happened. More importantly, why are you being so nice to me? I never did anything nice to you, the only thing that I ever did to you was bully you."

Luo Bing Bing's eyes then widen once again because she just remembered something important, "Why are you here? How did you get into my house?"