
Luo Bing Bing laughed, "Of course she is you guys' Boss. She is smart, pretty, and have leadership capabilities. If I weren't an asshole, I would have been a number one fan like you."

Luo Bing Bing thought that Su An An meant that Mo Xi was the alpha in their friendship instead of the founder of the company they were in. Though it was true that Mo Xi was the alpha in their friendship.

Su An An shook her head, "No. That's not what I meant. It's true, but that's not what I am trying to tell you. I was saying that Mo Xi is the leader, the founder of Blue Diamond Entertainment. The place where we are working now..."

Luo Bing Bing looked at Su An An blankly for a moment before she registered Su An An's words in her mind. She jumped up in shock, "What?!"