
At the Military Hospital.

"Doctor, how is she doing?" Jing Mo Chen asked the attending doctor how Shen Yu Ning was doing.

The doctor saluted when he saw Jing Mo Chen because Jing Mo Chen's position in the military was the Major General.

After saluting, the doctor then reported while he fumbled for words, "She... Uhm... For the physical side, her body is deteriorating at a rapid rate. Her organs and everything is functioning very well. However, her body is getting weaker and weaker, which is unusual. It is as though life is draining out of her body every second. This is something that I never see before. For the mental side, her mental condition isn't stable. She lost control twice yesterday and once this morning. She tried to attack the attending nurses and doctors with the spoon and the fork. A few of our nurses and doctors were injured. That was why we had to inject the tranquilizer to put her to sleep."