
Mo Xi's voice and body trembled as she cried out, and Jing Mo Chen felt as though multiple knives pierced his heart.

The fire in Jing Mo Chen's heart and mind extinguished the moment he heard Mo Xi's words. He raised his arms slowly before he pulled her closer and buried his head in the crook of her neck as he inhaled her scent.

Feeling Jing Mo Chen's arms around her, Mo Xi felt like she was the boat that had been floating around in the vast ocean and finally found the port where she could be safe in.

After a short while, Jing Mo Chen pulled Mo Xi away slightly to kiss her, but she didn't budge. She clung even more tightly onto him as she feared that he would leave her.

"I wouldn't leave you. You are my life. I will die if I leave you…"

Hearing that, tears rolled down Mo Xi's eyes once again, and Jing Mo Chen gently pulled her body away. She loosened her grip a little, and he lifted her face before he kissed her lips lovingly.