
Yan Chu's words seemed to have hit a button and Su An An put down her chopsticks immediately.

Su An An stood up as she looked at Yan Chu with tears filled eyes, "I know you don't like me, and you are only here to protect me because Boss said so. However, can you stop doing all these things that make me feel otherwise? You make me feel as though you cared about me truly from the bottom of your heart. You make me feel as though I am special. However, whenever I try to ask you, you push me away, you draw the boundaries, you draw the lines! Then, you look at me with those gentle eyes again and care for me as though I am the most important person in your life. But then you snap again as though I am some dirt in your life and push me away again! I am tired of this! If you don't like me, then stop being so nice to me! Your care for me is like poison! I get intoxicated by your kindness but then you slap me in the face again and push me to hell when you turn cold again!"