Wake Up

Two weeks later. At Tang Xi Hospital.

"Mommy. Daddy. Good afternoon!" Xu Wei Sheng greeted as he walked into Xu Zi Fang's wardroom.

Xie Xiu Ling was massaging Xu Zi Fang's hands and legs when Xu Wei Sheng walked in.

Xu Wei Sheng put his backpack into the cupboard before he went to the washroom to wash his hands and came back out with a towel and a basin of water. He then started to clean Xu Zi Fang's body with the towel while Xie Xiu Ling helped him out.

Xie Xiu Ling looked at Xu Wei Sheng cleaning Xu Zi Fang's body diligently, and her eyes softened instantly. She couldn't help but pat on Xu Wei Sheng's head because he was so caring and filial despite his age. He didn't even protest because he couldn't go to school for their safety. In fact, he was very excited to be able to stay by his father's side to take care of him.